[oe] [PATCH v3 3/3] chumby-falconwing: Create chumby-falconwing bootloader recipe

Sean Cross sean at chumby.com
Thu Aug 19 19:15:54 UTC 2010

The checksums of the archive changed, which means the recipe needed to be updated to match.

Signed-off-by: Sean Cross <sean at chumby.com>
 .../bootstream-falconwing_1.bb                     |   65 ++++
 recipes/bootstream-falconwing/fix-oe-build.patch   |  405 ++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 470 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 recipes/bootstream-falconwing/bootstream-falconwing_1.bb
 create mode 100644 recipes/bootstream-falconwing/fix-oe-build.patch

diff --git a/recipes/bootstream-falconwing/bootstream-falconwing_1.bb b/recipes/bootstream-falconwing/bootstream-falconwing_1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da423b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/bootstream-falconwing/bootstream-falconwing_1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Builds the boot partition for a chumby Falconwing-based platform.
+# Note that bootstream-chumby.bin is a binary-blob combination of
+# chumby_stub, and the Freescale-provided bootlets that set up power,
+# clocks, and RAM.  It is provided as a blob because Freescale provides
+# elftosb2 as a blob.  If you would like to recreate these from scratch and
+# are on an x86 Linux machine, you'll need the following files:
+#   http://files.chumby.com/source/falconwing/bootloader/elftosb2;name=elftosb2
+#   http://files.chumby.com/source/falconwing/bootloader/falconwing_chumby_sb.db;name=chumbyconfig
+#   http://files.chumby.com/source/falconwing/bootloader/falconwing_factory_sb.db;name=factoryconfig
+SECTION = "bootloaders"
+PRIORITY = "optional"
+DEPENDS = "virtual/kernel"
+PROVIDES = "virtual/bootloader"
+RPROVIDES = "virtual/bootloader"
+PR = "r0"
+SRC_URI = "http://files.chumby.com/source/falconwing/build2913/bootstream-1.0.tgz;name=archive              \
+           http://files.chumby.com/source/falconwing/build2913/bootstream-chumby.bin;name=bootstream        \
+           file://fix-oe-build.patch                                                                        \
+SRC_URI[archive.md5sum] = "de87fbc40f0466d5f3d3f083537f9559"
+SRC_URI[archive.sha256sum] = "532101f5721eb9540fcac37bf6feb79449c4d5d66dbb7331dd1d3560c68abad9"
+SRC_URI[bootstream.md5sum] = "8aa29fc431f349b22d147b5cec52927b"
+SRC_URI[bootstream.sha256sum] = "8dcf12cb6f749de2e373a780b8bbcee099ec23aad212d58131750caa7360c0eb"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/bootstream-1.0"
+do_compile () {
+    oe_runmake 'LINUX_DIR=${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR}'
+FILES_${PN} = "/boot"
+addtask deploy before do_build after do_compile
+do_deploy () {
+    ./config_util --cmd=create \
+        --mbr=/dev/zero \
+        --configname=falconwing \
+        --build_ver=1000 --force --pad \
+        --blockdef=${S}/output/chumby_boot.rom,215040,boot,1,0,0,0 \
+        --blockdef=${S}/images/4_1.bin,153600,img1,1,0,0,0 \
+        --blockdef=${S}/images/4_2.bin,153600,img2,1,0,0,0 \
+        --blockdef=${S}/images/5_1.bin,153600,img3,1,0,0,0 \
+        --blockdef=${S}/images/5_2.bin,153600,img4,1,0,0,0 \
+        --blockdef=${S}/images/5_3.bin,153600,img5,1,0,0,0 \
+        --blockdef=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/zImage-${MACHINE}.bin,4194304,krnA,1,0,0,0 \
+        --blockdef=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/zImage-${MACHINE}.bin,4194304,krnB,1,0,0,0 \
+        > ${S}/output/config_block.bin
+    install -d ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}
+    rm -f ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin
+    touch ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin
+    dd if=../bootstream-chumby.bin of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=0 count=64
+    dd if=${S}/output/config_block.bin of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=96 count=32
+    dd if=${S}/output/chumby_boot.rom of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=128 count=420
+    dd if=${S}/images/4_1.bin of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=548 count=300
+    dd if=${S}/images/4_2.bin of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=848 count=300
+    dd if=${S}/images/5_1.bin of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=1148 count=300
+    dd if=${S}/images/5_2.bin of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=1448 count=300
+    dd if=${S}/images/5_3.bin of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=1748 count=300
+    dd if=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/zImage-${MACHINE}.bin of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=2048 count=8192
+    dd if=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/zImage-${MACHINE}.bin of=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin seek=10240 count=8192
+    package_stagefile_shell ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.bin
diff --git a/recipes/bootstream-falconwing/fix-oe-build.patch b/recipes/bootstream-falconwing/fix-oe-build.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c06756d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/bootstream-falconwing/fix-oe-build.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+diff -ur bootstream-1.0-stock/Makefile bootstream-1.0/Makefile
+--- bootstream-1.0-stock/Makefile	2010-08-18 13:43:44.386637400 -0700
++++ bootstream-1.0/Makefile	2010-08-18 13:43:27.870626729 -0700
+@@ -1,64 +1,16 @@
+ # $Id: Makefile 7554 2009-04-30 19:44:17Z scross $
+ # source build makefile for bootstream bootloader
+-include ../config/config.mk
+-ELFTOSB2_SOURCES=$(wildcard $(ELFTOSB2_DIR)/*.c $(ELFTOSB2_DIR)/*.h)
+-	chumby_factory/chumby_factory chumby_stub/chumby_stub chumby_boot/chumby_boot
+-	.src_binaries .chumby-boot .factory-image .chumby-stub
+-    #.u-boot-image
+-.factory-image: $(SRC_BINARIES)
+-	elftosb2/elftosb2 -z -c ../config/falconwing_factory_sb.db \
+-            -o $(INSTALL_DIR)/bootstream-factory.bin
+-.chumby-boot: $(SRC_BINARIES)
+-	cp images/chumby_boot.rom $(INSTALL_DIR)/chumby_boot.bin
+-.chumby-stub: $(SRC_BINARIES)
+-	elftosb2/elftosb2 -c ../config/falconwing_chumby_sb.db \
+-            -o $(INSTALL_DIR)/bootstream-chumby.bin
+-.u-boot-image: $(SRC_BINARIES)
+-	elftosb2/elftosb2 -c ../config/falconwing_uboot_sb.db \
+-            -o $(INSTALL_DIR)/falconwing_uboot.sb
+-	@echo "Copying src bianries"
+-	mkdir -p $(INSTALL_DIR)/host
+-	cp --preserve --no-dereference $(SRC_BINARIES) $(INSTALL_DIR)/host/
++	$(MAKE) -C chumby_factory
++	$(MAKE) -C chumby_stub
++	$(MAKE) -C chumby_boot
++	gcc config_util.cpp -o config_util -lstdc++
+ clean:
+-	$(MAKE) -C $(ELFTOSB2_DIR) clean
+-	@echo "Creating directory: $@"
+-	-mkdir -p $@
++	$(MAKE) -C chumby_factory clean
++	$(MAKE) -C chumby_stub clean
++	$(MAKE) -C chumby_boot clean
++	rm -f config_util
+diff -ur bootstream-1.0-stock/chumby_boot/Makefile bootstream-1.0/chumby_boot/Makefile
+--- bootstream-1.0-stock/chumby_boot/Makefile	2010-08-18 13:43:44.386637400 -0700
++++ bootstream-1.0/chumby_boot/Makefile	2010-08-18 13:43:27.874670886 -0700
+@@ -7,24 +7,14 @@
+ # Linker script 
+ BASE_ADDR	?= 0x00002000
+ BOOT_LAYOUT_IN	= $(SRCDIR)/chumby_boot.ld.in
+-BOOT_LAYOUT_OUT	= $(OUTPUTDIR)/chumby_boot.ld
++BOOT_LAYOUT_OUT    = ../output/chumby_boot.ld
+ # Output ELF image
+-CHUMBY_BOOT	= $(OUTPUTDIR)/../../images/chumby_boot
++CHUMBY_BOOT    = ../output/chumby_boot
+ # Output binary image
+-CHUMBY_BOOT_ROM	= $(OUTPUTDIR)/../../images/chumby_boot.rom
+-CROSS_COMPILE ?= arm-linux-
++CHUMBY_BOOT_ROM    = ../output/chumby_boot.rom
+ LIBGCCDIR = $(dir $(shell $(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name))
+ CFLAGS 	= -Wall -I$(INCLUDEDIR) -I$(LINUX_DIR)/include -fno-builtin -O0 -nostdinc
+@@ -91,5 +81,5 @@
+ 	@nm -n $@ > $@.map
+-	$(CPP) -P -DBASE_ADDR=$(BASE_ADDR) -o $@ $<
++	cpp -P -DBASE_ADDR=$(BASE_ADDR) -o $@ $<
+diff -ur bootstream-1.0-stock/chumby_boot/src/serial.c bootstream-1.0/chumby_boot/src/serial.c
+--- bootstream-1.0-stock/chumby_boot/src/serial.c	2010-08-18 13:43:44.386637400 -0700
++++ bootstream-1.0/chumby_boot/src/serial.c	2010-08-18 13:43:27.874670886 -0700
+@@ -171,10 +171,10 @@
+     return data;
+ }
+-static char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
+ void serial_puthex(u32 c) {
+     int i;
++    char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
+     serial_puts("0x");
+     for(i=7; i>=0; i--)
+         serial_putc(hex[(c>>(4*i))&0x0f]);
+diff -ur bootstream-1.0-stock/chumby_boot/src/shell.c bootstream-1.0/chumby_boot/src/shell.c
+--- bootstream-1.0-stock/chumby_boot/src/shell.c	2010-08-18 13:43:44.386637400 -0700
++++ bootstream-1.0/chumby_boot/src/shell.c	2010-08-18 15:12:45.138607841 -0700
+@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
+     "shell\n"
+     // Run the watchdogtimer, set to reboot the device in 20 seconds.
+-    "regutil -w HW_RTC_WATCHDOG 0x00004e20\n"
+-    "regutil -w HW_RTC_CTRL_SET 0x00000010\n"
++    //"regutil -w HW_RTC_WATCHDOG 0x00004e20\n"
++    //"regutil -w HW_RTC_CTRL_SET 0x00000010\n"
+     // Prioritize screen DMA over other DMA.  This fixes video tearing issues.
+     // Priority is: AXI0, AHB2, AHB1, AHB3
+@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
+     // Set up the Linux tags, pass the command-line arguments, and run the
+     // Linux kernel, located at address 0x40008000.
+-    "linux 0x40008000 \"console=ttyAM0,115200 init=/linuxrc root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext3 ro rootwait chumbyrev=** ssp1=mmc sysrq_always_enabled logo.brand=" BRAND_PLACEHOLDER "\"\n",
++    "linux 0x40008000 \"console=ttyAM0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait chumbyrev=** ssp1=mmc sysrq_always_enabled logo.brand=" BRAND_PLACEHOLDER "\"\n",
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////
+@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
+     // Set up the Linux tags, pass the command-line arguments, and run the
+     // Linux kernel, located at address 0x40008000.
+-    "linux 0x40008000 \"console=ttyAM0,115200 init=/linuxrc root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext3 ro rootwait chumbyrev=** ssp1=mmc sysrq_always_enabled partition=recovery logo.brand=" BRAND_PLACEHOLDER "\"\n",
++    "linux 0x40008000 \"console=ttyAM0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait chumbyrev=** ssp1=mmc sysrq_always_enabled partition=recovery logo.brand=" BRAND_PLACEHOLDER "\"\n",
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////
+@@ -350,8 +350,8 @@
+ }
+ char **shell_line_to_argv(int argc, char *line) {
+-    static char *argv[80];
+     int i;
++	static char *argv[10];
+     for(i=0; i<=argc; i++) {
+         argv[i] = line;
+         while(*line)
+diff -ur bootstream-1.0-stock/chumby_boot/src/shell_funcs.c bootstream-1.0/chumby_boot/src/shell_funcs.c
+--- bootstream-1.0-stock/chumby_boot/src/shell_funcs.c	2010-08-18 13:43:44.386637400 -0700
++++ bootstream-1.0/chumby_boot/src/shell_funcs.c	2010-08-18 15:11:45.984011892 -0700
+@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
+ 	value = eeprom_read(addr, reg);
+ 	STR("Value: "), HEX(value), STR("\n");
++	return 0;
+ }
+@@ -244,7 +245,7 @@
+-static int sd_initted = 0;
++int sd_initted;
+ char *sd_pmem;
+ static int my_sd_stop() {
+@@ -256,27 +257,28 @@
+ static int my_sd_init() {
+-    static rom_BootInit_t init;// = (rom_BootInit_t *)0x40A10000;
++    rom_BootInit_t init;
+     if(sd_initted) {
+         int result;
+         result = my_sd_stop();
+         if(result) {
+-            STR("Error!  Couldn't reset SD.\n");
+-            return 0;
++            STR("Error!  Couldn't reset SD: "), HEX(result), STR("\n");
++            return 1;
+         }
++		sd_initted = 0;
+     }
+     if(!sd_initted) {
+         int result;
+         mdelay(10);
+         init.size = PMEM_SIZE;
+-        init.pMem = sd_pmem;   // Allocated on stack in main().
++        init.pMem = 16384;
+         init.mode = 9;         // Set to SSP_PORT_1.
+         memset(sd_pmem, 0, PMEM_SIZE);
+-        result = sd_init(&init);
+-        if(!result)
+-            sd_initted = 1;
+-        else
++        if((result = sd_init(&init)))
+             return result;
++		sd_initted = 1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+@@ -318,17 +320,18 @@
+     while(bytes > 0) {
+         int chunks_to_read, chunk;
+         int read_tries = 0;
++		chunks_to_read = bytes/sizeof(chunk_t);
+         // Perform the read.
+-//            STR("Going to try to read "), INT(chunks_to_read), STR(" chunks\n");
++//        STR("Going to try to read "), INT(chunks_to_read), STR(" chunks\n");
+         while(read_tries < 1000) {
+             read_tries++;
+             chunks_to_read = bytes/sizeof(chunk_t);
+             chunks = sd_next(&chunks_to_read);
+             if(!chunks_to_read) {
+-//                    STR("Read 0 chunks.  Trying again...\n");
+-//                    mdelay(1000*read_tries);  // XXX need to tune this!
++                STR("Read 0 chunks.  Trying again...\n");
++                mdelay(10*read_tries);  // XXX need to tune this!
+                 continue;
+             }
+             else
+@@ -339,15 +342,15 @@
+             STR("  Aborting read.\n");
+             return 0;
+         }
+-//            else if(read_tries)
+-//                STR("Delayed "), INT(read_tries), STR(" times.\n");
++//        else if(read_tries)
++//            STR("Delayed "), INT(read_tries), STR(" times.\n");
+         if(chunks_to_read < 0) {
+             STR("Error while reading bytes: "), HEX(chunks_to_read), STR("\n");
+             return 0;
+         }
+-//            else
+-//                STR("Successfully read "), INT(chunks_to_read), STR(" chunks.\n");
++//        else
++//            STR("Successfully read "), INT(chunks_to_read), STR(" chunks.\n");
+         // Copy over each of the chunks that was read.
+         for(chunk=0; chunk<chunks_to_read; chunk++) {
+@@ -367,9 +370,13 @@
+ int sd_cfg_loaded = 0;
+ static int config_block_load() {
+     if(!sd_cfg_loaded) {
+-        sd_cfg = (char *)0x45A00000;
+-        if(real_load(CFG_OFFSET, (char *)sd_cfg, sizeof(struct config_area)))
+-            return 0;
++        sd_cfg = (struct config_area *)0x45A00000;
++        if(real_load(CFG_OFFSET, (char *)sd_cfg, sizeof(struct config_area))) {
++			STR("real_load() returned an error.\n");
++            return 1;
++		}
++		//STR("Dump of config area:\n");
++		//HEXDUMP((unsigned char *)sd_cfg, sizeof(struct config_area));
+         sd_cfg_loaded = 1;
+     }
+     return !sd_cfg_loaded;
+@@ -773,14 +780,14 @@
+     return 0;
+ }
+-static char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
+ // str must be at least 11 bytes long
+ void str_puthex(u32 c, char *str) {
+-  int i, j;
++    int i, j;
++    char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
+     str[0] = '0'; str[1] = 'x';
+     for(i=7, j = 0; i>=0; i--, j++)
+-      str[2+j] = hex[(c>>(4*i))&0x0f];
++        str[2+j] = hex[(c>>(4*i))&0x0f];
+     str[10] = '\n';
+     str[11] = '\0';
+@@ -1058,6 +1065,7 @@
+ struct shell_command *shell_funcs_init() {
+     struct shell_command *cmd_fixup = cmds;
++	sd_initted = 0;
+     // Fixup the cmd array by adding the base_address value to each pointer.
+     while(cmd_fixup->name) {
+diff -ur bootstream-1.0-stock/chumby_factory/Makefile bootstream-1.0/chumby_factory/Makefile
+--- bootstream-1.0-stock/chumby_factory/Makefile	2010-08-18 13:43:44.386637400 -0700
++++ bootstream-1.0/chumby_factory/Makefile	2010-08-18 13:43:27.874670886 -0700
+@@ -1,30 +1,20 @@
++OUTPUTDIR	= ../output
+ # Linker script 
+ BASE_ADDR	?= 0x00002000
+ BOOT_LAYOUT_IN	= $(SRCDIR)/chumby_factory.ld.in
+-BOOT_LAYOUT_OUT	= $(OUTPUTDIR)/chumby_factory.ld
++BOOT_LAYOUT_OUT	= ../output/chumby_factory.ld
+ # Output ELF image
+-CHUMBY_FACTORY	= $(OUTPUTDIR)/../../images/chumby_factory
++CHUMBY_FACTORY	= ../output/chumby_factory
+ # Output binary image
+-CHUMBY_FACTORY_ROM	= $(OUTPUTDIR)/../../images/chumby_factory.rom
+-CROSS_COMPILE ?= arm-linux-
++CHUMBY_FACTORY_ROM	= ../output/chumby_factory.rom
+ LIBGCCDIR = $(dir $(shell $(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name))
+ CFLAGS 	= -Wall -I$(INCLUDEDIR) -I$(LINUX_DIR)/include -nostdinc -fno-builtin -O
+@@ -90,5 +80,5 @@
+ 	@nm -n $@ > $@.map
+-	$(CPP) -P -DBASE_ADDR=$(BASE_ADDR) -o $@ $<
++	cpp -P -DBASE_ADDR=$(BASE_ADDR) -o $@ $<
+diff -ur bootstream-1.0-stock/chumby_stub/Makefile bootstream-1.0/chumby_stub/Makefile
+--- bootstream-1.0-stock/chumby_stub/Makefile	2010-08-18 13:43:44.386637400 -0700
++++ bootstream-1.0/chumby_stub/Makefile	2010-08-18 13:43:27.874670886 -0700
+@@ -1,30 +1,20 @@
++OUTPUTDIR	= ../output
+ # Linker script 
+ BASE_ADDR	?= 0x00002000
+ BOOT_LAYOUT_IN	= $(SRCDIR)/chumby_stub.ld.in
+-BOOT_LAYOUT_OUT	= $(OUTPUTDIR)/chumby_stub.ld
++BOOT_LAYOUT_OUT	= ../output/chumby_stub.ld
+ # Output ELF image
+-CHUMBY_STUB	= $(OUTPUTDIR)/../../images/chumby_stub
++CHUMBY_STUB	= ../images/chumby_stub
+ # Output binary image
+-CHUMBY_STUB_ROM	= $(OUTPUTDIR)/../../images/chumby_stub.rom
+-CROSS_COMPILE ?= arm-linux-
++CHUMBY_STUB_ROM	= ../images/chumby_stub.rom
+ LIBGCCDIR = $(dir $(shell $(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name))
+ CFLAGS 	= -Wall -I$(INCLUDEDIR) -I$(LINUX_DIR)/include -nostdinc -fno-builtin -Os
+@@ -90,5 +80,5 @@
+ 	@nm -n $@ > $@.map
+-	$(CPP) -P -DBASE_ADDR=$(BASE_ADDR) -o $@ $<
++	cpp -P -DBASE_ADDR=$(BASE_ADDR) -o $@ $<

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