[oe] Still trying to build Java

Mark Butsch mbutsch at syntech-fuelmaster.com
Thu Feb 4 16:57:36 UTC 2010

Hello again,

I am still trying to build java and don't seem to be getting anywhere. The more
I try, the more confused I get. I think I am not understanding something about 
building Java under OE (org.openembedded.dev branch, Angstrom Distro, i686).

I would like to start from the beginning and make sure I am doing this correctly.

>From the OE wiki, I have specified the following preferred providers and versions:

	PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/java-initial = "jamvm-initial"
	PREFERRED_VERSION_jamvm-initial = "1.4.5"
	PREFFERED_VERSION_classpath-initial = "0.93"

	PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/java-native = "jamvm-native"
	PREFFERED_VERSION_jamvm-native = "1.5.3"
	PREFFERED_VERSION_classpath-native = "0.98"

	PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/javac-native = "ecj-bootstrap-native"
	PREFFERED_VERSION_libecj-bootstrap = "3.4"
	PREFERRED_PROVIDER_classpath = "classpath"

	PREFERRED_PROVIDER_swt3.4-gtk = "swt3.4-gtk"

	PREFFERED_VERSION_jamvm= "1.5.2"
	PREFFERED_VERSION_classpath= "0.98"

I have been trying to build java by bitbaking "task-java". 

Is this the best/intended way or is this where I am going wrong?

Thanks again for any assistance.


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