[oe] {RFC] console-image.bb

Rolf Leggewie no2spam at nospam.arcornews.de
Thu Feb 18 12:35:20 UTC 2010

Philip Balister wrote:
> Slow down guys, you are spinning out of control. The problem is not so 
> much the change, just the silent method in which it was accomplished.

There's nothing silent about this.  It was all discussed here (you will
remember that you were in favor).  But there are unfortunately people in
OE that cannot be discussed with, because they act as dictators.

We already have improved on the original proposal and if necessary could
have improved on the current commit.  But that's not in the dictator's
interest and therefor we see the usual pattern of
"revert-to-what-*I*-can-use-and-give-a-f*ck-about-everybody-else" and to
top it off, the recipe is declared off-limits.  The dictator tries to
increase the size of his fiefdom as we've seen so many times in the past.

You cannot collaborate or discuss with a dictator, there's ample
evidence to that.

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