[oe] Does anyone have current recepies for some of these programs:

J. L. vwyodapink at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 19:16:58 UTC 2010

I have not had much luck figuring out how to write my own recipies as
of yet I keep getting different errors for each one that I have yet to
understand. So I am hoping someone might have these already writen.
The platform I am using is a gumstix overo if that makes any

I am looking for the following:

Ruby 1.9.1
nmap 5.21
kismet from the development source
aircrack-ng preferably from dev source or 1.0 or higher
metasploit 3.4
openssl 1.0+
wireshark from dev source
snort 2.8.6

Thanks for anyone sharing any of these recipies if you have them.

 Hopefully soon I can sort out what I am not getting in making a bb
file correctly

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