[oe] Qt4 recipe fix; fixes configure so compiler is detected properly, and QXMLPatterns gets built

Jay Snyder jay.snyder at tycoelectronics.com
Wed Jul 28 15:25:52 UTC 2010

Please see this link for two files, a patch for the recipe, and also a 
new file:

patch file to go into the files/ directory of the recipe -- this file 
patches the configure program so that the tests of compiler capability 
work properly in OE

patches to the various .inc and .bb files to include 
configure-conf_compiler-fix.patch in the list of patches used

More info:
The code the configure script which sets TEST_COMPILER uses the 
QMAKE_CONF_COMPILER variable from the Makefile to determine which 
compiler is being used.     This code  gets messed up by the use of the 
$(VARIABLE) construct used in a Makefile and doesn't set the compiler 
correctly.    I added a line which converts this to ${VARIABLE} to 
evaluate it, so that the correct value is extracted from the environment.

This was not preventing Qt4 from building, but was breaking some tests 
which are used to determine which features of Qt4 to enable and disable, 
one of which is the QtXmlPatterns library, which the application I am 
running on an OE system requires.

Please add these changes to the Qt4 recipe.

Jay Snyder

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