Frans Meulenbroeks fransmeulenbroeks at gmail.com
Tue Mar 23 09:32:59 UTC 2010

Chris, while this is a nice idea it conflicts with having checksums in
the recipe, as that makes the recipes unique.
Unless of course there is (or we create) a way to have multiple
checksums in a recipe and pick the one that is for the version we are

Then again I feel it is in most cases better to move forward. E.g. for
your nano example: why would people want to build say nano 1.0.2 if
there is also a working 1.0.6 recipe (or even a 2.2.3 one or whatever
version it is at). I feel it is better to spent time to
fix/improve/add/repair the latest version than spend time fixing old
(generally speaking that is)


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