[oe] Mono on ARMV5TE - AT91SAM9260

Edward Cooper edpgc at nyro.co.uk
Tue May 4 13:18:32 UTC 2010

Hi all

First post... I have succesfully run through and built Angstrom for my
AT91SAM9260-EK target.  Really pleased with how it works and that I can
build .ipk and install them using opkg from a local build.  However I am
stumped with Mono, I went through the bitbake process "bitbake mono" and got
the appropriate .ipk's, these appear to install fine on the target.  However
running even an hello world example (mono hello.exe) results in an immediate
"Segmentation Fault" error message and no other output.

>From my reasearch I believe this might by due to OABI vs EABI and how the
kernel was compiled does that make sense or am I looking in the wrong place!

Also how do I make bitbake build a different version of something (the
recipe's are there)?

Thanks for any help, new to embedded linux so sorry for any stupid

Ed Cooper

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