[oe] install_linguas using public feed for locale package install?

Martin Jansa martin.jansa at gmail.com
Thu May 13 09:57:25 UTC 2010

Today I noticed that with every do_rootfs I see few downloads from my
webserver (where is DISTRO_FEED_URI pointing).

I guess it's because install_linguas from image.bbclass.

Is there some special reason why it's not used from deploy/ipk directly?
it's not problem here, but if public feed is not in sync with deploy/ipk
it can be IMHO pretty bad (locale .ipk cannot be found or different version).

BTW: that's probably the reason I didn't get any locales available
with last rebuild from scratch on shr buildhost (rsync to public feed
started manually after image build) resulting in:


uin:136542059                jid:Martin.Jansa at gmail.com
Jansa Martin                 sip:jamasip at voip.wengo.fr 

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