[oe] trouble building gcc-cross-initial first time

Frans Meulenbroeks fransmeulenbroeks at gmail.com
Mon Oct 4 12:08:18 UTC 2010

2010/10/4 Jan Paesmans <jan.paesmans at gmail.com>:
>>>> I run massive parallel builds with 8 bitbake threads and make -j 8, so
>>>> I suspect that this has something to do with it. One of the tasks the
>>>> is started before is linux-libc-headers_2.6.31.bb, do_package_stage.
>>>> Could it be that this task hasn't finished yet while the
>>>> gcc-cross-initial needs it?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Jan
>>> It seems to pick up a header file from the host.
>>> It could also be dependent of glibc-initial or so.
>>> What happens if you build from scratch with 1 thread and -j 1 ?
>> Then it works. I'll try checking the dependencies for glibc-initial.
> OK, i think there is something strange going on here.
> In gcc-cross-initial.inc: PROVIDES = "virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc-initial"
> In glibc.inc: PROVIDES = "virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}libc-for-gcc"
> In glibc-initial.inc: DEPENDS = "virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc-initial"
> In gcc-cross.inc: DEPENDS = "virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}libc-for-gcc"
> I'd say that there is a circular dependency here.
> Could this explain why the problem occurs in a multi-threaded build
> environment and not in a single threaded one?
> What's the way to solve this? Is there some way in bitbake to synchronize this?
> Jan

if there was a circular dependency bitbake would have told you so.
string.h is probably provided by linux-libc-headers; you might try
with your parallel settings to start with a clean tmp; then bitbake
linux-libc-headers; bitbake gcc-cross-initial


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