Frans Meulenbroeks fransmeulenbroeks at gmail.com
Thu Oct 7 11:53:53 UTC 2010

Triggered by a remark from Martin on irc:

Do we need a PR bump for all users of those classes?
Did a quick grep, there are 75 recipes inheriting image, about 160
inheriting cpan and about 200 inheriting distutils
rubyextensions.bbclass is not used.

And if it is felt that a bump is needed, is it ok that I make this
change (strictly limiting myself to incrementing PR) and commit that
without further review ?
(each bbclass change + associated PR bump will be a separate commit;
so 4 commits)

(Since a PR bump addresses quite some files, a review has the
disadvantage that the patch probably won't apply any more due to other
changes because one of the files involved has been touched)


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