[oe] DEPENDS not honored: `do_configure` runs before `do_populate_sysroot` of dependencies

Paul Menzel paulepanter at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Oct 9 08:29:01 UTC 2010

Dear OE folks,

if recipe B depends on A, I noticed that B’s `do_configure` is run
before all operations of A are complete, that means all tasks after
`do_install` like `do_populate_sysroot`.

Here is my concrete example.


        $ bitbake console-image

with `minimal-uclibc` for `MACHINE = "beagleboard"`
`virtual:native:libgee_0.6.0.bb` failed to build for me (same error as
in [1]). `do_configure` did not find a file which is provided by
`gobject-introspection-native` which was recently added to `DEPENDS` [2]
to fix [1].

Before the failure the last completed task of
`gobject-introspection-native` was

        NOTE: Running task 1929 of 3724 (ID: 3078, virtual:native:/oe/openembedded/recipes/gobject-introspection/gobject-introspection_0.9.10.bb, do_install)
        NOTE: package gobject-introspection-native-0.9.10-r0: task do_install: Started
        NOTE: package gobject-introspection-native-0.9.10-r0: task do_install: Succeeded

and then `do_configure` of `libgee-native` was already run. Building
`gobject-introspection-native` manually I saw that there was a task
`do_populate_sysroot`. With this task completed `libgee-native` was
build successful.

Is that a BitBake error?



[1] http://lists.linuxtogo.org/pipermail/openembedded-devel/2010-October/025125.html
    "libgee_0.6.0: gee/Makefile.am:95: HAVE_INTROSPECTION does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL"
[2] http://cgit.openembedded.org/cgit.cgi/openembedded/commit/?id=72c2ac940065948cb688fde821e51efac6b71b4b
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