[oe] coreutils-native-7.2-r0 dependencies not checked

Alexander Stohr Alexander.Stohr at gmx.de
Tue Sep 28 17:29:26 UTC 2010

>> | make: GNUmakefile: Too many levels of symbolic links
>This is a known issue - please make sure you don't have simlinks in your 
>TMPDIR. If you need to offload portions of your TMPDIR to another partition 
>or other place, adjust the corresponding variables instead of symlinking...

Hello Denys,
Thanks for that reply.

My whole build dir got symlinked into the home dir due to disk space issues.
But there are no symlinks in the temp dir area as far as i can say.
A somewhat strange behavior. I never noticed tools stumbling across such.

My not that deeply tested, first shot, cheap cheat is that:

do_compile_prepend() {
        cd ${S}
        if [ -L GNUmakefile ]
                rm -f GNUmakefile
                ln -s Makefile GNUmakefile

i've added that to the non-native recipes of the coreutils, m4 and autoconf.
lets see how far that will work for me in my setup.
the build has already flawlessly proceeded to task 181 containing the binutils-cross compilation...

regards, Alex.

later on i found those discussion mentioning three recipe names from above:

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