[oe] OE TSC

Frans Meulenbroeks fransmeulenbroeks at gmail.com
Tue Feb 1 20:08:20 UTC 2011

2011/2/1 Philip Balister <philip at balister.org>:
> On 02/01/2011 11:43 AM, Frans Meulenbroeks wrote:
>> I think the call for candidates should be on the members list, and the
>> voting also should be done by the members.
> Frans, we need to get an interim TSC in place to help with the Yocto
> integration work. It will also give the membership a chance to see them in
> action before we have to vote on them.
> I would like some feedback from the members about how long a TSC term should
> be and if we should stagger the positions. We can use this feedback to
> determine when to replace the appointed TSC with an elected one.
> My personal thoughts are have the initial appointment be long enough to get
> the Yocto/OE integration in good shape.
> Philip

Philip, is this your personal view or are your representing the board in this?

In the start post Richard wrote:
"The TSC is not self electing so we're going to hand this issue over to
the board at this point to determine the way forward."

I have not seen any communication from the board on this (but of
course there is always the chance I missed it, most days oe+poky+yocto
email seem to be > 100 mails), unless your mail is on behalf of the

I feel the board has a responsibility on stating the procedure that
will be followed on this.
I see people putting themselves forward as candidates, but I have not
even seen a call for candidates, or a period during which people can
candidate themselves, or any indication on how they will be selected.

And while I agree that we need a team to work on the oe <-> yocto
cooperation (or maybe collaboration is a better word), but a team that
is chosen by the community is much more empowered to make decisions.

Wrt the TSC term: from the oedem 2010 minutes:
"- January 7th 2010 TSC meeting minutes mentions the yearly TSC re-election."
It might e a good idea move to a longer term and staggered election.
(e.g. half of the TSC stepping down in a year). I feel we can have
this discussion also at a later time.

Best regards, Frans.

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