[oe] oestats as automated testing reporting tool (Was: testing branch 2011-01-20)

Cliff Brake cliff.brake at gmail.com
Fri Feb 4 14:26:21 UTC 2011

On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 5:04 PM, Yury Bushmelev <jay4mail at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have spent some time to looking over oestats client and server code.
> Below are some ideas.

Thanks for looking into this.

> P.S.: Do we really need this in perspective of merging with yocto? Or
> may be just use e.g. some spreadsheet/form on google instead?

I think long term, the OE testing effort will still be valuable as it
has the potential to test way more combinations that Yocto or oe-core
will support.  The goal is to provide users with a known working
starting point for the target board/arch they are interested in.  I
think there is also value in having multiple people involved as we end
up covering more workstation distros.  However, I don't have a clear
vision yet where things are going, so this may all change.



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