[oe] 2011.03 release testing, starts soon!

Koen Kooi k.kooi at student.utwente.nl
Wed Feb 9 10:18:19 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

On 09-02-11 10:56, Stefan Schmidt wrote:

>> 2. Do not delete the release branch after 2011.03 will be released (just like
>>    it was done for 2010.12), but let it live and allow developpers committing
>>    bug-fixes (backporting choosen things?) reported back by OE users (some would
>>    would be happy to contribute this way)
> That was already discussed. We make a tag with the release rev from which can be
> branched again _if_ people are stepping up to support this branch on a mid or
> long term base.
> The branch Tom is using until the release is pretty useless froma history point
> of view (all changes must be in master as well). When he thinks the release is
> good enough the tag gets added and the old branch deleted. For the last release
> nobody cared to support it afterwards with bugfixes so no release branch was
> created.
> I'm thinking about this for the upcoming release. If all works well we will base
> a product on it which I would like to support directly from such a release
> branch.
> The hard part is how people could decide on pooling resources on this. Defining
> goals for such a branch and stuff. E.g. only take serious fixes? What about
> package updates? Security fixes? changes on the toolchain or classes?
> This is up to the group who wants to support such a branch. Anyone else
> interested in doing this for 2011-03?

I discussed this with Philip and Graeme and the idea is to retire
angstrom-2008.1.conf into that branch. I still have customers (you
indirectly :)) using that, so having it in that branch would be very neat.


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