[oe] [PATCH] linux-firmware: split into bus specific packages.

Filip Zyzniewski filip.zyzniewski at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 17:08:13 UTC 2011

On 2/14/11, Otavio Salvador <otavio at ossystems.com.br> wrote:

> I agree that this ought to be split but I think that it should be done
> by vendor:
> realtek, ralink and so on.

What would be the point of such split?

I have split it by buses, because currently having full support for
PCMCIA devices on my Jornada 720, I have to install 13MB of PCI
firmwares and 8.5MB of USB firmwares, which I will never use (because
I have neither PCI nor USB bus on it) just to have available the 200kB
of PCMCIA firmwares.

Most of the firmwares in the repository are for removable devices - we
(as the OE/distrubution maintainers) are by definition not able to
know whose products will the user plug in.

Filip Zyzniewski

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