[oe] git head: build of rpm-native fails

Frans Meulenbroeks fransmeulenbroeks at gmail.com
Tue Feb 15 06:48:01 UTC 2011


Yesterday I tried whether I could cross compile a helloworld.rpm to
try on a fedora-arm box, but I failed in building rpm-native.
This issue was verified by Jay. His log:

apparently this is the failing part is:

file -C -m ./magic.mime
./magic.mime, 187: Warning: string extension `B' invalid
./magic.mime, 401: Warning: string extension `B' invalid
./magic.mime, 618: Warning: string extension `B' invalid
./magic.mime, 623: Warning: string extension `B' invalid
./magic.mime, 627: Warning: string extension `B' invalid
./magic.mime, 628: Warning: string extension `B' invalid
./magic.mime, 672: Warning: no need to escape `#'
./magic.mime, 674: Warning: no need to escape `#'
file: could not find any magic files!
make[4]: *** [magic.mime.mgc] Ошибка 1
make[4]: *** Ожидание завершения заданий..

I tried the command in a devshell and there it also fails, but I have
not really an idea what is wrong (and I don't know too much about RPM
Suggestions? Fixes ?


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