[oe] apache2+php5 on Arago

Luca Bolognini l.bolognini at tiscali.it
Tue Feb 15 08:51:44 UTC 2011

Yesterday I had an exchange of emails with Raffaele Recalcati, it was 
in italian then I'll try to resume briefly so that everyone can read.
was asking Raffaele (by the way, thank you for your prompt reply) if he 
had some news about the Apache2+php5 segmentation faults that occurred 
in Arago distros.
I'm currently developing for beagleboard and TI816x-
Raffaele pointed out that he had investigated for some time the 
crash in Arago 
( https://gforge.ti.com/gf/project/arago/mailman/?
but at length he had chosen to compile the two packages with a "pure" 
OE environment, without Arago overlay.
With this choice, he said that 
Apache2 is able to open php pages without problems.
It seems rather 
strange, as recipes are more or less the same (Raffaele added some 
customizations but they honestly seem not relevant) and tar.gz source 
files are identical.
What can Arago have introduced to produces such 
troubles? It's difficult to say.
It's quite annoying to use Arago for 
all packages of my custom filesystem and then switch to OE only for 
apache2 and modphp; all my scripting stuff is concerned with Arago, 
it's would be great to have everything confined inside Arago layer.

Denys told he would have postponed some further investigations on the 
topic, maybe now he has some good news?
Now however I'm going to make 
the same tests of Raffaele, that is have the two packages compiled with 
"pure" OE; in the meantime, if someone has any ideas...
Thank you,


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