[oe] Performance measurement: Building openembedded-core with and without overclocking on C-i7 2600K

Khem Raj raj.khem at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 14:44:06 UTC 2011

On 10/17/2011 11:03 PM, Ulf Samuelsson wrote:
> My comparision between 2 similar machines indicate that
> 32 bit 11.04 with Psyco-Dist is 20% faster than 64 bit with 11.04

thats why I wanted to know if they were exactly same machine. Better to 
reinstall may be. I dont rule out that 32bit cant be faster but we need 
to measure it

> The machine running 64 bit 11.04 was tested with 32 bit 11.04
> using an external disk (connected through e-SATA) and results
> were very close to the numbers for the other 32 bit machine

> I didn't save those numbers but I think that is good enough
> to draw the conclusion that adding JIT for 64 bit (PyPy?) will reduce build
> time significantly.

Thats what I am interested in. If pypy would make it faster than
we could recommend it.

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