[oe] filename restrictions for packaged staging

Detlef Vollmann dv at vollmann.ch
Sun Sep 4 13:01:06 UTC 2011

Some of my recipes fail with
ERROR: Function 'staging_packager' failed (see /dev/null for further 

Unfortunately /dev/null didn't give much information ;-(

But eventually (with -vvvvv -D -D -D -D) I got a real error message:
*** Error: Package name  contains illegal characters, (other than 

While the '' between 'name' and 'contains' isn't of much help
either (it's a bug in stage-manager-ipkg-build, I'll file a patch
for that later), it turned out that my machine name contained
upper case letters, which stage-manager-ipkg-build doesn't like.

Now without packaged staging everything runs fine, i.e. packages
in deploy are created with those upper case letters in it.
So is there a reason why packaged staging is more picky about
filenames than normal opkg packaging?


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