[oe] Generate a collection of rpm:s

Fredrik Markström fredrik.markstrom at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 12:37:49 UTC 2012

Hello all,

I'd like to generate a tar.gz with a collection of rpm:s dependent on by a
root task. Looking at the existing image bbclass:es it seems that they use
the package tool rpm/opkg etc. To automatically resolve dependencies.

My question is:

Can I find out what package/runtime-dependencies a package has trough
bitbake-metadata has and then apply this recursively to get a
complete collection of rpm:s ? Are there any recipes doing something like
this I can use as a reference ?

What I envision is a bbclass that let me do something like this:

----------------- 8< ---------------------------
# This will build an tar-ball containing all packages (rpm:s) that
task-mainfs depends on both directly and indirectly.
inherit rpmcollection.bb

RDEPENDS = "task-mainfs"
----------------- 8< ---------------------------


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