[oe] [Draft] From Bitbake Hello World To an Image

Eren Türkay eren at hambedded.org
Sun Dec 2 17:47:23 UTC 2012


I have completed a document that tries to explain how image is created
using openembedded starting from bitbake fundementals. The document
reflects my own understanding and includes the information that I wished
to have when I first involved in understanding openembedded.

This is aimed for people who want get the big picture with some details
under the hood (What's the sequence of creating an image, how is source
fetched, patched, configured, and installed? How is ipk, rpm, and deb
created? How is image produced?)

People who know bitbake can skip to "Understanding OpenEmbedded" part.
However, I suggest them to play with plain bitbake and read the first
chapter as bitbake is the hearth of OpenEmbedded.

There are additional information required which are marked with "FIXME"
keywords. Suggestions and contributions are welcomed.

I don't know how it can be integrated to current documentation but I
would like to help if that's the case. The licence of the work is CC
BY-SA. Use it, change it, adapt it, distribute it, as long as you
attribute the original work and the author :)


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