[oe] [meta-multimedia PATCH 1/6] gssdp: add and 0.13.2

Burton, Ross ross.burton at intel.com
Fri Dec 21 12:36:28 UTC 2012

On 21 December 2012 09:43, Martin Jansa <martin.jansa at gmail.com> wrote:
> vala-stub-native does not exist afaik, why not use vala-native?

Whoops, that patch didn't go anywhere did it.

commit 2471e89fe8b535c9fb4a1e15cb910d7d14b463b3
Author: Ross Burton <ross.burton at intel.com>
Date:   Thu Dec 20 12:40:17 2012 +0000

    vala-stub: add a stub for vala-native

    Some packages have optional support for Vala but require vala.m4 to provide
    VALA_PROG_VAPIGEN so that autoreconf works.

    vala-stub provides a dummy VALA_PROG_VAPIGEN which doesn't do
anything, so the
    configure script runs and believes that vala isn't present.

    Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross.burton at intel.com>

(pending for oe-core)

For software that's written in C but has optional Vala bindings you
need Vala to configure even if you're going to turn it off.  A stub
macro that lets configure run is all you need if you don't want to
build all of Vala (for example because you don't want to pull all of
meta-oe into your project).

I meant to change that to vala-native once I'd added the provides to
vala-stub, V2 shortly.


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