[oe] packages built but not deployed

Mats Kärrman Mats.Karrman at tritech.se
Wed May 16 12:48:48 UTC 2012


I have made an OE-classic recipe for CUnit, see below, that I'm using together with 2011.03-maintenance and a "headless" Angstrom image.
There was one complication; the source folder inside the source tar contains upper-case letters but there is a rule in do_package_stage that only accepts lower case letters in the recipe name. The explicit setting of "S" below together with using only lower case letters for the recipe seemed to solve this problem.

DESCRIPTION = "Automated testing framework for 'C'."
HOMEPAGE = "http://sourceforge.net/projects/cunit/"
PRIORITY = "optional"
SECTION = "libs"
PR = "r0"

inherit autotools

# Recipe name must be all lower case because of do_package_stage rule but source
# tar uses uppercase in source code folder name, hence:
S = "${WORKDIR}/CUnit-${PV}"

SRC_URI = " \
    ${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/project/cunit/CUnit/2.1-2/CUnit-2.1-2-src.tar.bz2;name=cunit \

SRC_URI[cunit.md5sum] = "31c62bd7a65007737ba28b7aafc44d3a"
SRC_URI[cunit.sha256sum] = "1f705f30b36fe1dadb5494989d1d663241603f456b468c81f606a1bdbc168bea"


- Build works OK.
- Lib's etc are working and properly staged under sysroots.
- Packages are built (found under work/.../staging-pkg)
- Packages are NOT deployed (i.e. not found under deploy/glibc/ipk/...).

Any help appreciated!
BR // Mats

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