[oe] [meta-oe] VLC 1.1.11 build failure

Paul Barker paul at paulbarker.me.uk
Wed Apr 3 19:40:35 UTC 2013

I'm building with MACHINE=raspberrypi and the meta-raspberrypi layer
included (from http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/meta-raspberrypi/).

I'm getting an error in do_package for vlc. It seems that paths with a
double forward-slash are ending up in the binaries and this is
confusing the debugedit program invoked in the function
split_and_strip_files - the error message from debugedit written to
the log file is "canonicalization unexpectedly shrank by one
character". A bit of googling says debugedit attempted to replace the
double forward-slash with a single forward-slash but can't handle the
case when the length of a path is reduced by exactly one character.
These paths are coming in when the include paths for qt4 are added to
the cxxflags variable in the file vlc-config. On my system paths like
".../tmp-eglibc/sysroots/raspberrypi/usr//include/qt4/QtCore" are
being added. I can't find where this double forward-slash is
originating from, grep isn't showing me any other files with double
forward-slashes or with a path ending 'usr/' (which may cause a
problem when joined to a path beginning '/include')

I've managed to prevent this error by adding a line to the
do_configure() function in vlc.inc which removes these double
forward-slashes. I can send a patch in for this but I'm not sure if it
is the best fix. I think it would be better to find the original
source for these bad paths but I'm a bit stuck on where to look. The
file vlc-config is generated from vlc-config.in when configure is ran
I've grepped through everything and not found similar paths in any
other files.

Any advice or shall I send in the patch I have?

Paul Barker

Email: paul at paulbarker.me.uk

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