[oe] Prepare recipes for automake-1.13 (batch 1)

Marko Lindqvist cazfi74 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 18:54:12 UTC 2013

This batch is just three patches - most likely just drop in the
ocean of automake-1.13 problems in meta-openembedded. These are
kind side-products of trying to get things to work in
openembedded-core side.

Below text is about all the work I've done for automake-1.13
compatibility so far - not all of it is relevant to this batch.


In practice there is three categories of changes in automake-1.13
that cause packages to break. From that follows that virtually all
problems fall to three categories, and all packages suffering from
problem of the same category get virtually identical fix.

* Long deprecated macros completely removed from automake-1.13,
  which errors out upon seeing them. For these I add patch,
  always called obsolete_automake_macros.patch, that replaces
  obsolete macro with proper one. Most of the patches are just

* Trying to run help2man via "missing" when it doesn't exist.
  Old automake versions allowed "missing" to be used that way,
  1.13 aborts. I'm just removing the attempt to create manpages
  that way. Note that it never actually worked anyway -
  old automake just didn't abort when it failed.

* TESTS list cannot have $(srcdir) or $(top_srcdir) as part
  of the path. When it does, it's usually bug in the package,
  but unfortunately automake prevents it also when it's not.
  Solution applied here is to simply remove TESTS.


[meta-oe][PATCH 1/3] tslib: replace obsolete automake macros with
[meta-oe][PATCH 2/3] libmikmod: replace obsolete automake macros
[meta-oe][PATCH 3/3] libmad: replace obsolete automake macros with

 - ML

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