[oe] There is no LAYERVERSION and LAYERDEPENDS for most meta-FOO layers

Huang, Jie (Jackie) Jackie.Huang at windriver.com
Mon Nov 24 08:53:03 UTC 2014


I know LAYERVERSION is optional but I think LAYERDEPENDS is required and at least we should specify the main oe-core,
but I found only meta-networking and meta-webser have this:

$ grep -r LAYERDEPENDS *
meta-networking/conf/layer.conf:LAYERDEPENDS_networking-layer = "core"
meta-networking/conf/layer.conf:LAYERDEPENDS_networking-layer = "openembedded-layer"
meta-networking/conf/layer.conf:LAYERDEPENDS_networking-layer = "meta-python"
meta-webserver/conf/layer.conf:LAYERDEPENDS_webserver = "core"
$ grep -r LAYERVERSION *
meta-networking/conf/layer.conf:LAYERVERSION_networking-layer = "1"
meta-webserver/conf/layer.conf:LAYERVERSION_webserver = "1"

I found dependencies section in README for most of the meta-FOO layers, but no definition of LAYERDEPENDS in the layer.conf.


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