[oe] [meta-qt5] [meta-ruby] jethro: dependencies on xfce-layer and xfconf probably make qt5 unbuildable without X

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo mail at webthatworks.it
Thu Dec 10 18:01:41 UTC 2015

I was trying to see if I could build
core-image-minimal | meta-toolchain-qt5
and I stumbled into

ERROR: Layer 'ruby-layer' depends on layer 'xfce-layer', but this layer 
is not enabled in your configuration

that probably is due to


I'm willing to try to make it "optimal" and I'm trying to figure out 
what it is all about.

Any help would be apreciated.

Most probably whatever imsettings is should be optional rather than a 

Of course problem occurs just with jethro, there is no imsettings in 
fido and I've been able to bake and run images for my board without X.


Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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