[oe] Query on meta-java layer openjdk-7-jre build

Max Krummenacher max.oss.09 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 13:02:01 UTC 2015

Hi Victor

> I have OpenEmbedded setup and using the daisy branch. For the meta-java
layer I
> am using the master branch of
> For our embedded modules we have our own meta layer. I am trying to build
> an angstrom image with LXDE.
> We are using ARMv7 hard-float Thumb2 builds (armv7at2hf-vfp). Most errors
> to be "not declared in this scope" errors. Are there some definitions to
> declared in the conf file, so the build picks it up or is some modification
> required to the source with a custome patch declared in the bb file for 
I have run into the same issues.

This are follow up errors. The failing qemu-arm runs should have produced
header files which provide those definitions.

> Not much knowledge on OpenEmbedded. Also can someone explain the qemu
> fault errors?
see above

> Trying to build openjdk-7-jre gives me the following error. A complete 
log file is also attached.
> Can someone give me any pointers on how can I get the build to be
successful for
> using Java?

My investigation showed that qemu-arm can not execute any binary which is
compiled with the compiler for Colibri-T20 and is linked with the -static
Even a simple hello world program does not work. When executing that hello
world on the real hardware I also get a segmentation fault.

I got java compiling and running by updating to the latest of meta-java,
applying the patch which enables xawt and applying a patch which compiles
all binaries without the -static flag. Compiling with dynamic linking
however produces a binary which run on qemu-arm and on the target.
Currently I have no idea why statically linked binaries fail.

You likely want to use xawt.

I do not think that the fix with removing '-static' should go into

cd stuff/meta-java
git remote set-url origin git://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-java
git fetch
git checkout -b t20-test c600dd3
git am 0001-openjdk-7-enable-xawt.patch
git apply remove_static_qemu_binaries.patch



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