[oe] State of bitbake world, Failed tasks 2015-11-10

Martin Jansa martin.jansa at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 10:15:48 UTC 2015

Finally some good results, only libsdl2 from oe-core is failing with
default configuration (you need to disable wayland PACKAGECONFIG to get
it built).

Be aware that there are more issues in oe-core without these changes:
icu, guile, mailx, gcc, opensp, gstreamer1.0-libav, libunwind, directfb, libunwind
will all fail.

There are many changes left in meta-networking waiting for Joe to merge
them, but I'll update "jethro" branch for last time today and let Armin
handle backporting for meta-networking changes worth getting into jethro.

I'll also update meta-qt5/jethro for last time, it will continue to support
Qt 5.5* and I'll merge 5.6* patchset to master branch, it's only a beta now,
but it's usable and people who need stable 5.5* should stick with jethro
branch. qt5-creator is currently broken in runtime (both versions) Andreas
is looking into that.

I'll be running test-dependencies job for next few days, it already detected
some issues in fbida and vlc.

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - bitbake ==
9ae7b2e world-image: add extra target

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - openembedded-core ==
9c12690 rootfs_*.bbclass: don't add BUILDNAME to do_rootfs vardepsexclude
e0fcea0 gstreamer1.0-plugins-{base,good}: update PACKAGECONFIGs
7529c5e libunwind: fix build for qemuarm
e3bde21 Revert "mesa: upgrade llvm to 3.5"
87476fb mesa: upgrade llvm to 3.5
d7e0182 feature-arm-vfp.inc: add -mfpu=vfpv4 when vfpv4 is in TUNE_FEATURES
2c31e02 feature-arm-vfp.inc: respect vfpv4 when setting -mfloat-abi and ARMPKGSFX_EABI
f369654 arch-armv7ve: add tune include for armv7ve and use it from cortexa7 and cortexa15
958890a tune-*: use mcpu instead of mtune for ARM tunes
2ab8410 cortexa{7,15,17}: add VFPv4 tunes
5b8abbb directfb: add fPIC to CFLAGS
821f516 guile, mailx, gcc, opensp, gstreamer1.0-libav, libunwind: disable thumb where it fails for qemuarm
bc9aac3 icu: force arm mode
189f639 DO-NOT-MERGE: distutils3.bbclass: Don't use MACHINE variable
4199420 libsdl: Add support for libsdl-native
0485850 sstate-sysroot-cruft: Add /usr/src/kernel/.* to whitelist
14f740a report-error: Allow to upload reports automatically
17c307b qemux86copy
9b13a93 Revert "qemux86: Add identical qemux86copy variant for tests"
0e18854 qemux86: Add identical qemux86copy variant for tests

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-openembedded ==
bb1c43c ktap: add libelf PACKAGECONFIG also to ktap-module
39bb2a1 libhtml-tree-perl: add version 5.03
5dbca4e libmodule-build-perl: add 0.31
c664c50 Revert "luajit: Upgrade to 2.1 beta1"
e6674d4 nginx: Fix systemd service file
76774fc nginx: Add support for altering build configuration
27a6eec samba: systemv-init script must be executable
b2641c0 lldpd: Update to version 0.7.19
cce3f36 lldpd: configure the systemd unit file dir
250d7ed net-snmp: fix cross compilation
1001a9d opensaf: remove unused service file
52e6b12 ypbind-mt: set path of ypdomainname in ypbind script
c1a35f9 netcat-openbsd: replace patch with quilt
413dea8 postfix: premission of /var/spool/mail seems incorrect
f4b6fd4 tcpdump: add PACKAGECONFIG for libcap-ng
e720e56 pure-ftpd: add PACKAGECONFIG for libsodium
9895957 dovecot: add PACKAGECONFIG for lz4
fd1e36b net-snmp: Modify snmpd.service
85d68e9 ntp: upgrade 4.2.8p3 -> 4.2.8p4
b28ff6a netcat: add DESCRIPTION
09f696a lldpad: remove obsolete recipe
4c17678 xl2tpd: Update git recipe and add release recipe
7f686a5 snort: fix indentation
90f2d36 snort: fix m4 causes out of memory during configure

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-qt5 ==
20a89f6 qtwebengine: disable autodetection from sysroot
0e7358d README: mention Yocto Project Compatible
2211600 qt5-creator: upgrade to 3.5.1
0b13a9d qtwebengine: add dependency on flac
1fb8e76 qtwebengine: include chromium SRCREV in SRCPV
77c4bfd qtwebengine: add dependency on yasm-native and use it
58b21ec qtwebengine: fix QMAKE_AR variable
8d8d995 qtwebengine: add dependency on libxscrnsaver with x11 in DISTRO_FEATURES
df83955 qtwebengine: bump SRCREV and re-add 0003-functions.prf-allow-build-for-linux-oe-g-platform.patch
d03313b qttranslations: add ${PN}-qtserialport
279c14f qtsvg: fix incorrect heart.svg installation path
059c030 qtbase: add glib to PACKAGECONFIG_X11
89cbdc7 qtbase: include oe-device-extra.pri unconditionally
8ee6119 qt5: upgrade to latest revision in 5.6 branch (5.6.0-alpha1+)

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-browser ==
d7530cb cef3: fix build with gcc 4.9.4
3674bf6 cef3: fix build of x86-64
b164da9 cef3: fix gcc5 compile issues
7ae6f1a cef3_280796.bb: change indent to 4 spaces
5d4eb31 chromium: fix gcc5 compile issues

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-webos-ports ==

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-smartphone ==

== Number of issues - stats ==
{| class='wikitable'
!|Date		     !!colspan='3'|Failed tasks			    !!colspan='12'|QA !!Comment
||		||qemuarm	||qemux86	||qemux86_64	||already-stripped	||libdir	||textrel	||build-deps	||file-rdeps	||version-going-backwards	||host-user-contaminated	||installed-vs-shipped	||unknown-configure-option	||symlink-to-sysroot	||invalid-pkgconfig	||pkgname	||	
||2015-11-10	||1	||1	||1	||0		||0		||1		||1		||0		||42		||0		||0		||0		||0		||0		||0		||	


== Failed tasks 2015-11-10 ==

INFO: jenkins-job.sh-1.5.0 Complete log available at http://logs.nslu2-linux.org/buildlogs/oe/world/log.report.20151111_053040.log

=== common (1) ===
    * /openembedded-core/meta/recipes-graphics/libsdl2/libsdl2_2.0.3.bb, do_compile

=== common-x86 (0) ===

=== qemuarm (0) ===

=== qemux86 (0) ===

=== qemux86_64 (0) ===

=== Number of failed tasks (3) ===
{| class=wikitable
|| qemuarm 	|| 1	 || http://logs.nslu2-linux.org/buildlogs/oe/world//log.world.20151110_150604.log// || http://errors.yoctoproject.org:80/Errors/Build/9807/
|| qemux86 	|| 1	 || http://logs.nslu2-linux.org/buildlogs/oe/world//log.world.20151110_171011.log// || http://errors.yoctoproject.org:80/Errors/Build/9809/
|| qemux86_64 	|| 1	 || http://logs.nslu2-linux.org/buildlogs/oe/world//log.world.20151110_202834.log// || http://errors.yoctoproject.org:80/Errors/Build/9810/

=== PNBLACKLISTs (90) ===

=== QA issues (44) ===
{| class=wikitable
!| Count		||Issue
||0	||already-stripped
||0	||file-rdeps
||0	||host-user-contaminated
||0	||installed-vs-shipped
||0	||invalid-pkgconfig
||0	||libdir
||0	||pkgname
||0	||symlink-to-sysroot
||0	||unknown-configure-option
||1	||build-deps
||1	||textrel
||42	||version-going-backwards

meta-efl/recipes-efl/e17/diskio_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[diskio] ?= "broken: switch to https://git.enlightenment.org/enlightenment/modules/diskio.git/ and fix 0.0.1+svnr82070-r0.0/E-MODULES-EXTRA/diskio/e-module-diskio.edc:58. invalid state name: 'off'. "default" state must always be first."
meta-efl/recipes-efl/e17/elmdentica_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[elmdentica] ?= "OLD and depends on broken azy"
meta-efl/recipes-efl/e17/emprint_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[emprint] ?= "if you want to use these modules with E18, then you need to update it to git recipe fetching newer sources from http://git.enlightenment.org/apps/emprint.git/"
meta-efl/recipes-efl/e17/news_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[news] ?= "if you want to use these modules with E18, then you need to update it to git recipe fetching newer sources from http://git.enlightenment.org/enlightenment/modules/news.git/"
meta-efl/recipes-efl/e17/rage_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[rage] ?= "if you want to use these modules with E18, then you need to update it to git recipe fetching newer sources from  http://git.enlightenment.org/apps/rage.git/"
meta-efl/recipes-efl/e17/screenshot_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[screenshot] ?= "depends on blacklisted emprint"
meta-efl/recipes-efl/efl/azy_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[azy] ?= "OLD and doesn't build with gcc-5"
meta-efl/recipes-efl/efl/entrance_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[entrance] ?= "broken: switch to https://git.enlightenment.org/misc/entrance.git and fix 0.0.4+svnr82070-r7/entrance/data/themes/old/default.edc:678. invalid state name: 'defaault'. "default" state must always be first."
meta-efl/recipes-navigation/mcnavi/mcnavi_0.3.4.bb:PNBLACKLIST[mcnavi] ?= "BROKEN: latest version 0.3.4 is 3 years old and now broken with more strict ejde_cc from efl-1.13"
meta-gnome/recipes-apps/epdfview/epdfview_0.1.8.bb:PNBLACKLIST[epdfview] ?= "BROKEN: images are not displayed anymore"
meta-gnome/recipes-apps/gnome-mplayer/gnome-mplayer_1.0.5.bb:PNBLACKLIST[gnome-mplayer] ?= "rdepends on blacklisted mplayer"
meta-gnome/recipes-gnome/gcalctool/gcalctool_5.32.0.bb:PNBLACKLIST[gcalctool] ?= "broken at least since April 2013 http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.handhelds.openembedded/57920 and nobody complained, it's also replaced by gnome calculator"
meta-gnome/recipes-gnome/gnome-keyring/gnome-keyring_2.32.1.bb:PNBLACKLIST[gnome-keyring] ?= "This version conflicts with gcr from oe-core"
meta-gnome/recipes-gnome/gnome-menus/gnome-menus3_3.10.1.bb:PNBLACKLIST[gnome-menus3] ?= "CONFLICT: 24 files are conflicting with gnome-menus"
meta-gnome/recipes-gnome/gnome-panel/gnome-panel3_3.0.2.bb:PNBLACKLIST[gnome-panel3] ?= "CONFLICT: depends on libgweather3 which conflicts with libgweather"
meta-gnome/recipes-gnome/gnome-power-manager/gnome-power-manager_2.32.0.bb:PNBLACKLIST[gnome-power-manager] ?= "BROKEN: not compatible with current libnotify"
meta-gnome/recipes-gnome/gweather/libgweather3_3.0.2.bb:PNBLACKLIST[libgweather3] ?= "CONFLICT: 876 files are conflicting with libgweather"
meta-gnome/recipes-gnome/nautilus/nautilus3_3.2.1.bb:PNBLACKLIST[nautilus3] ?= "BROKEN: fails to build, maybe missing dependency on gnome-desktop-utils.h provider"
meta-gnome/recipes-gnome/system-tools/system-tools-backends_2.10.2.bb:PNBLACKLIST[system-tools-backends] ?= "does not build with distroless qemuarm as reported in 'State of bitbake world' thread, nobody volunteered to fix them"
meta-gnome/recipes-gnome/zenity/zenity_2.32.1.bb:PNBLACKLIST[zenity] ?= "BROKEN: doesn't build with B!=S"
meta-multimedia/recipes-mediacentre/xbmc/xbmc_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[xbmc] ?= "/usr/include/c++/ctime:70:11: error: '::gmtime' has not been declared"
meta-multimedia/recipes-mkv/mkvtoolnix/mkvtoolnix_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[mkvtoolnix] ?= "BROKEN: Failx to build with gcc-5"
meta-multimedia/recipes-multimedia/coriander/coriander_2.0.2.bb:PNBLACKLIST[coriander] ?= "BROKEN: fails to use SDL probably because libsdl-config was removed, error: unknown type name 'SDL_Overlay'"
meta-multimedia/recipes-multimedia/dleyna/renderer-service-upnp_0.3.0.bb:PNBLACKLIST[renderer-service-upnp] ?= "BROKEN: doesn't build with B!=S (trying to install rendererconsole.py from ${B} instead of ${S})"
meta-multimedia/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gst123_0.3.1.bb:PNBLACKLIST[gst123] ?= "gst123 is still "sometimes" using wrong sysroot"
meta-networking/recipes-support/lksctp-tools/lksctp-tools_1.0.16.bb:PNBLACKLIST[lksctp-tools] ?= "${@base_contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ld-is-gold', "BROKEN: fails to link against sctp_connectx symbol", '', d)}"
meta-networking/recipes-support/nis/yp-tools_3.3.bb:PNBLACKLIST[yp-tools] ?= "BROKEN: fails to build for qemuarm."
meta-networking/recipes-support/nis/ypbind-mt_2.2.bb:PNBLACKLIST[ypbind-mt] ?= "BROKEN: Depends on broken yp-tools"
meta-oe/recipes-connectivity/bluez/bluez-hcidump_2.5.bb:PNBLACKLIST[bluez-hcidump] ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-oe/recipes-connectivity/bluez/bluez4_4.101.bb:PNBLACKLIST[bluez4] ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-oe/recipes-connectivity/bluez/gst-plugin-bluetooth_4.101.bb:PNBLACKLIST[gst-plugin-bluetooth] ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-oe/recipes-connectivity/obexftp/obexftp_0.23.bb:PNBLACKLIST[obexftp] ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-oe/recipes-connectivity/soft66/soft66_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[soft66] ?= "BROKEN: depends on broken libftdi"
meta-oe/recipes-connectivity/zeroc-ice/zeroc-ice_3.5.1.bb:PNBLACKLIST[zeroc-ice] ?= "BROKEN: not compatible with default db version"
meta-oe/recipes-devtools/cloud9/cloud9_0.6.bb:PNBLACKLIST[cloud9] ?= "Not comatible with current nodejs 0.12, but upstream is working on it for v3"
meta-oe/recipes-devtools/nodejs/nodejs4_0.4.12.bb:PNBLACKLIST[nodejs4] ?= "Used only by currently blacklisted cloud9 and fails to build for qemuarm with thumb: error: #error For thumb inter-working we require an architecture which supports blx"
meta-oe/recipes-devtools/packagekit/packagekit_0.5.6.bb:PNBLACKLIST[packagekit] ?= "BROKEN: depends on old deprecated libopkg which is currently disabled and will be removed soon"
meta-oe/recipes-extended/subsurface/subsurface_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[subsurface] ?= "Needs to be upgraded for compatibility with new libdivecomputer"
meta-oe/recipes-gnome/gtkextra/gtkextra_3.0.5.bb:PNBLACKLIST[gtkextra] ?= "BROKEN: Fails to build with gcc-5"
meta-oe/recipes-graphics/clutter/clutter-box2d_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[clutter-box2d] ?= "BROKEN: doesn't build with B!=S"
meta-oe/recipes-graphics/fim/fim_0.4-rc1.bb:PNBLACKLIST[fim] ?= "BROKEN: doesn't build with B!=S (flex: can't open lex.lex)"
meta-oe/recipes-graphics/slim/slim_1.3.2.bb:PNBLACKLIST[slim] ?= "does not build with distroless qemuarm as reported in 'State of bitbake world' thread, nobody volunteered to fix them"
meta-oe/recipes-graphics/xorg-app/sessreg_1.1.0.bb:PNBLACKLIST[sessreg] ?= "BROKEN: fails to generate man pages"
meta-oe/recipes-graphics/xorg-driver/xf86-input-mtev_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[xf86-input-mtev] ?= "BROKEN: doesn't build with B!=S (Makefile without ${S} in sed call)"
meta-oe/recipes-graphics/xorg-driver/xf86-video-geode_2.11.16.bb:PNBLACKLIST[xf86-video-geode] ?= "BROKEN, fails to build"
meta-oe/recipes-kernel/ktap/ktap-module_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[ktap-module] ?= "Not compatible with 3.19 kernel"
meta-oe/recipes-kernel/ktap/ktap_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[ktap] ?= "Depends on blacklisted kernel-module-ktapvm"
meta-oe/recipes-multimedia/mplayer/mplayer2_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[mplayer2] ?= "BROKEN, fails to build with gcc-5"
meta-oe/recipes-navigation/foxtrotgps/foxtrotgps_1.1.1.bb:PNBLACKLIST[foxtrotgps] ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-oe/recipes-navigation/gdal/gdal_1.11.1.bb:PNBLACKLIST[gdal] ?= "BROKEN: fails to build with gcc-5"
meta-oe/recipes-navigation/gypsy/gypsy.inc:PNBLACKLIST[gypsy] ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-oe/recipes-navigation/navit/navit.inc:PNBLACKLIST[navit] ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-oe/recipes-qt/qcanobserver/qcanobserver-socketcan_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[qcanobserver-socketcan] ?= "depends on qwt-5 APIs"
meta-oe/recipes-qt/qcanobserver/qcanobserver_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[qcanobserver] ?= "depends on qwt-5 APIs"
meta-oe/recipes-qt/qconnman/qconnman-e_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[qconnman-e] ?= "BROKEN: doesn't work with B!=S, ls: cannot access *.pro: No such file or directory"
meta-oe/recipes-qt/qconnman/qconnman_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[qconnman] ?= "BROKEN: doesn't work with B!=S, ls: cannot access *.pro: No such file or directory"
meta-oe/recipes-qt/qt-creator/qt-creator_2.8.1.bb:PNBLACKLIST[qt-creator] ?= "BROKEN: fails to build with gcc-5 and conflicts with qt5-creator"
meta-oe/recipes-support/apcupsd/apcupsd_3.14.10.bb:PNBLACKLIST[apcupsd] ?= "BROKEN: doesn't build with B!=S"
meta-oe/recipes-support/emacs/emacs_23.4.bb:PNBLACKLIST[emacs] ?= "qemu: uncaught target signal 11 (Segmentation fault) - core dumped"
meta-oe/recipes-support/fftw/benchfft_3.1.bb:PNBLACKLIST[benchfft] ?= "does not build with distroless qemuarm as reported in 'State of bitbake world' thread, nobody volunteered to fix them"
meta-oe/recipes-support/libdbi/libdbi-drivers_0.8.3-1.bb:PNBLACKLIST[libdbi-drivers] ?= "BROKEN: fails to build with gcc-5"
meta-oe/recipes-support/maliit/maliit-framework_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[maliit-framework] ?= "BROKEN: Wasn't updated to work with B!=S, maybe incorrectly inherits autotools"
meta-oe/recipes-support/maliit/maliit-plugins_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[maliit-plugins] ?= "BROKEN: depends on broken maliit-framework"
meta-oe/recipes-support/mongodb/mongodb_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[mongodb] ?= "Fails to build with system boost"
meta-oe/recipes-support/openmotif/openmotif_2.3.3.bb:PNBLACKLIST[openmotif] ?= "BROKEN: doesn't build with B!=S"
meta-oe/recipes-support/opensync/libsyncml_0.5.4.bb:PNBLACKLIST[libsyncml] ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-oe/recipes-support/start-stop-daemon/start-stop-daemon_1.16.0.2.bb:PNBLACKLIST[start-stop-daemon] ?= "BROKEN: fails because of gettext, partial fix is available here http://patchwork.openembedded.org/patch/89867/"
meta-oe/recipes-support/vala-terminal/vala-terminal_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[vala-terminal] ?= "BROKEN: Doesn't work with B!=S, touch: cannot touch `src/.stamp': No such file or directory"
meta-perl/recipes-perl/libnet/libnet-dns-perl_0.81.bb:PNBLACKLIST[libnet-dns-perl] ?= "BROKEN: Fails to build since some changes in perl recipe"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/emtooth2_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[emtooth2] ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/ffalarms_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[ffalarms] = "Doesn't build after vala upgrade from 0.24.0 to 0.26.1"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/gwaterpas_0.3.bb:PNBLACKLIST[gwaterpas] ?= "broken: depends on blacklisted fltk"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/iliwi_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[iliwi] = "Doesn't build after vala upgrade from 0.24.0 to 0.26.1"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/intone_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[intone] = "rdepends on blacklisted mplayer2"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/pisi_0.5.3.bb:PNBLACKLIST[pisi] ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/podboy_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[podboy] ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/sensmon_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[sensmon] = "Doesn't build after vala upgrade from 0.24.0 to 0.26.1"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/valacompass_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[valacompass] = "Doesn't build after vala upgrade from 0.24.0 to 0.26.1"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/shr/shr-installer_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[shr-installer] ?= "Depends on blacklisted packagekit"
conf/world_fixes.inc:PNBLACKLIST[android-system] = "depends on lxc from meta-virtualiazation which isn't included in my world builds"
conf/world_fixes.inc:PNBLACKLIST[bigbuckbunny-1080p] = "big and doesn't really need to be tested so much"
conf/world_fixes.inc:PNBLACKLIST[bigbuckbunny-480p] = "big and doesn't really need to be tested so much"
conf/world_fixes.inc:PNBLACKLIST[bigbuckbunny-720p] = "big and doesn't really need to be tested so much"
conf/world_fixes.inc:PNBLACKLIST[bigbuckbunny-720p] = "big and doesn't really need to be tested so much"
conf/world_fixes.inc:PNBLACKLIST[tearsofsteel-1080p] = "big and doesn't really need to be tested so much"
conf/world_mask.inc:PNBLACKLIST[evince] = "fails to build"
conf/world_mask.inc:PNBLACKLIST[epiphany] = "fails to build"
conf/world_mask.inc:PNBLACKLIST[gnome-power-manager] = "fails to build"
conf/world_mask.inc:PNBLACKLIST[gnome-bluetooth] = "fails to build"
conf/world_mask.inc:PNBLACKLIST[media-ctl] = "fails to build"
QA issues by type:
count: 0	issue: already-stripped

count: 0	issue: libdir

count: 1	issue: textrel
qtwebengine-5.5.99+5.6.0-alpha1+gitAUTOINC+64dc919d31_7e655fbb76: ELF binary '/tmp/work/i586-oe-linux/qtwebengine/5.5.99+5.6.0-alpha1+gitAUTOINC+64dc919d31_7e655fbb76-r0/packages-split/qtwebengine/usr/lib/libQt5WebEngineCore.so.5.6.0' has relocations in .text [textrel]

count: 1	issue: build-deps
qtwebengine-5.5.99+5.6.0-alpha1+gitAUTOINC+64dc919d31_7e655fbb76: qtwebengine rdepends on libopus, but it isn't a build dependency? [build-deps]

count: 0	issue: file-rdeps

count: 42	issue: version-going-backwards
libauthen-sasl-perl-2.16: Package version for package libauthen-sasl-perl went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:2.16-r0.128 to 0:2.16-r0.126) [version-going-backwards]
libauthen-sasl-perl-2.16: Package version for package libauthen-sasl-perl-dbg went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:2.16-r0.128 to 0:2.16-r0.126) [version-going-backwards]
libauthen-sasl-perl-2.16: Package version for package libauthen-sasl-perl-dev went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:2.16-r0.128 to 0:2.16-r0.126) [version-going-backwards]
libauthen-sasl-perl-2.16: Package version for package libauthen-sasl-perl-doc went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:2.16-r0.128 to 0:2.16-r0.126) [version-going-backwards]
libauthen-sasl-perl-2.16: Package version for package libauthen-sasl-perl-locale went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:2.16-r0.128 to 0:2.16-r0.126) [version-going-backwards]
libauthen-sasl-perl-2.16: Package version for package libauthen-sasl-perl-staticdev went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:2.16-r0.128 to 0:2.16-r0.126) [version-going-backwards]
libdigest-hmac-perl-1.03: Package version for package libdigest-hmac-perl went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.03-r0.131 to 0:1.03-r0.129) [version-going-backwards]
libdigest-hmac-perl-1.03: Package version for package libdigest-hmac-perl-dbg went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.03-r0.131 to 0:1.03-r0.129) [version-going-backwards]
libdigest-hmac-perl-1.03: Package version for package libdigest-hmac-perl-dev went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.03-r0.131 to 0:1.03-r0.129) [version-going-backwards]
libdigest-hmac-perl-1.03: Package version for package libdigest-hmac-perl-doc went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.03-r0.131 to 0:1.03-r0.129) [version-going-backwards]
libdigest-hmac-perl-1.03: Package version for package libdigest-hmac-perl-locale went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.03-r0.131 to 0:1.03-r0.129) [version-going-backwards]
libdigest-hmac-perl-1.03: Package version for package libdigest-hmac-perl-staticdev went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.03-r0.131 to 0:1.03-r0.129) [version-going-backwards]
libio-socket-ssl-perl-1.997: Package version for package libio-socket-ssl-perl went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.997-r0.126 to 0:1.997-r0.124) [version-going-backwards]
libio-socket-ssl-perl-1.997: Package version for package libio-socket-ssl-perl-dbg went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.997-r0.126 to 0:1.997-r0.124) [version-going-backwards]
libio-socket-ssl-perl-1.997: Package version for package libio-socket-ssl-perl-dev went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.997-r0.126 to 0:1.997-r0.124) [version-going-backwards]
libio-socket-ssl-perl-1.997: Package version for package libio-socket-ssl-perl-doc went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.997-r0.126 to 0:1.997-r0.124) [version-going-backwards]
libio-socket-ssl-perl-1.997: Package version for package libio-socket-ssl-perl-locale went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.997-r0.126 to 0:1.997-r0.124) [version-going-backwards]
libio-socket-ssl-perl-1.997: Package version for package libio-socket-ssl-perl-staticdev went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.997-r0.126 to 0:1.997-r0.124) [version-going-backwards]
luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages-2.0.0-1+gitAUTOINC+79155bd3f1: Package version for package luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:2.0.0-1+git0+79155bd3f1-r0.171 to 0:2.0.0-1+git0+79155bd3f1-r0.165) [version-going-backwards]
luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages-2.0.0-1+gitAUTOINC+79155bd3f1: Package version for package luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:2.0.0-1+git0+79155bd3f1-r0.172 to 0:2.0.0-1+git0+79155bd3f1-r0.171) [version-going-backwards]
luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages-2.0.0-1+gitAUTOINC+79155bd3f1: Package version for package luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages-dbg went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:2.0.0-1+git0+79155bd3f1-r0.171 to 0:2.0.0-1+git0+79155bd3f1-r0.165) [version-going-backwards]
luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages-2.0.0-1+gitAUTOINC+79155bd3f1: Package version for package luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages-dbg went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:2.0.0-1+git0+79155bd3f1-r0.172 to 0:2.0.0-1+git0+79155bd3f1-r0.171) [version-going-backwards]
luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages-2.0.0-1+gitAUTOINC+79155bd3f1: Package version for package luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages-dev went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:2.0.0-1+git0+79155bd3f1-r0.171 to 0:2.0.0-1+git0+79155bd3f1-r0.165) [version-going-backwards]
luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages-2.0.0-1+gitAUTOINC+79155bd3f1: Package version for package luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages-dev went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:2.0.0-1+git0+79155bd3f1-r0.172 to 0:2.0.0-1+git0+79155bd3f1-r0.171) [version-going-backwards]
luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages-2.0.0-1+gitAUTOINC+79155bd3f1: Package version for package luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages-doc went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:2.0.0-1+git0+79155bd3f1-r0.171 to 0:2.0.0-1+git0+79155bd3f1-r0.165) [version-going-backwards]
luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages-2.0.0-1+gitAUTOINC+79155bd3f1: Package version for package luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages-doc went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:2.0.0-1+git0+79155bd3f1-r0.172 to 0:2.0.0-1+git0+79155bd3f1-r0.171) [version-going-backwards]
luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages-2.0.0-1+gitAUTOINC+79155bd3f1: Package version for package luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages-locale went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:2.0.0-1+git0+7915 0:1.34-r8.159) [version-going-backwards]
xserver-common-1.34: Package version for package xserver-common-dbg went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.34-r8.159 to 0:1.34-r8.157) [version-going-backwards]
xserver-common-1.34: Package version for package xserver-common-dbg went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.34-r8.160 to 0:1.34-r8.159) [version-going-backwards]
xserver-common-1.34: Package version for package xserver-common-dev went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.34-r8.159 to 0:1.34-r8.157) [version-going-backwards]
xserver-common-1.34: Package version for package xserver-common-dev went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.34-r8.160 to 0:1.34-r8.159) [version-going-backwards]
xserver-common-1.34: Package version for package xserver-common-doc went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.34-r8.159 to 0:1.34-r8.157) [version-going-backwards]
xserver-common-1.34: Package version for package xserver-common-doc went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.34-r8.160 to 0:1.34-r8.159) [version-going-backwards]
xserver-common-1.34: Package version for package xserver-common-locale went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.34-r8.159 to 0:1.34-r8.157) [version-going-backwards]
xserver-common-1.34: Package version for package xserver-common-locale went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.34-r8.160 to 0:1.34-r8.159) [version-going-backwards]
xserver-common-1.34: Package version for package xserver-common-staticdev went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.34-r8.159 to 0:1.34-r8.157) [version-going-backwards]
xserver-common-1.34: Package version for package xserver-common-staticdev went backwards which would break package feeds from (0:1.34-r8.160 to 0:1.34-r8.159) [version-going-backwards]

count: 0	issue: host-user-contaminated

count: 0	issue: installed-vs-shipped

count: 0	issue: unknown-configure-option

count: 0	issue: symlink-to-sysroot

count: 0	issue: invalid-pkgconfig

count: 0	issue: pkgname

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