[oe] [meta-browsser] chromium issues

S. Lockwood-Childs sjl at vctlabs.com
Mon Apr 18 18:37:19 UTC 2016

Sorry about not doing a threaded reply (I deleted the message, oops,
and couldn't find the message ID in the online archive).

> * When chromium starts, I get a message:
>   "Google API keys are missing.  Some functionality of chromium will be disabled"
>    This seems to only be related to speech - should I worry about it?

Actually there are various google APIs that Chromium optionally uses but 
require keys, list here

For example translate is on the list, because Chromium can provide a
context menu that directly translates a web page instead of having to 
go to translate.google.com. This won't work without a valid key.

If you just plan on using chromium as a normal browser without such
bells and whistles, don't worry about the keys and get rid of the
warning by setting them as blank when you start up chromium

export GOOGLE_API_KEY=" "


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