[oe] cacao-native 1.6.1 failing because compiler not produced?

Xen list at xenhideout.nl
Mon May 1 15:49:41 UTC 2017

I am trying to compile openjdk with cacao for Armv5.

I followed the (older) instructions on 
http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/CrossCompileOECoreTutorial and 
replaced the java-meta repository with the new location.

I've set the machine to qemuarm and tried to select cacao as the 
preferred jvm everywhere:

PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/java-initial-native = "cacao-initial-native"

PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/java-native = "cacao-native"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/javac-native = "ecj-bootstrap-native"

PREFERRED_RPROVIDER_java2-runtime = "cacao"

PREFERRED_VERSION_cacao-initial = "0.98"
PREFERRED_VERSION_classpath-initial = "0.93"

PREFERRED_VERSION_icedtea6-native = "1.8.11"
PREFERRED_VERSION_classpath-native = "0.99"

PREFERRED_VERSION_classpath = "0.99"

PREFERRED_PROVIDER_classpath = "classpath-minimal"

I don't know if there are any version issue, for initial cacao I had 
this 0.98 but for other aspects it chose 1.6.1 as the only available 

I removed the reference to 0.98 and I am now just retrying everything.

But in any case the error I got was that


could not find java-initial which, when present, would not be able to 
find cacao-initial.

Because both didn't exist.

If I symlinked the missing versions to 0.98 version it would core dump.

Should I symlink this to something else?

My bblayers.conf is:

   /prj/oe-core/meta \
   /prj/oe-core/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \
   /prj/oe-core/meta-java \
   /prj/oe-core/meta-kirkwood \

apart from the usual, and kirkwood does give an error but not very 
important I think:

WARNING: No bb files matched BBFILE_PATTERN_meta-kirkwood 

I did not use Hob (it was not there ;-)).

Other things have not been changed in either local.conf or 

What can I do here? Not use cacao for native and target?

I'm very new to this ;-).



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