[oe] State of the world, 2018-03-19

akuster808 akuster808 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 20:29:30 UTC 2018

== Failed tasks 2018-03-19 ==

INFO: jenkins-job.sh-1.8.44 Complete log available at http://logs.nslu2-linux.org/buildlogs/oe/world/sumo/log.report.20180321_040648.log

=== common (7) ===
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-connectivity/zeromq/zeromq_4.2.3.bb:do_install_ptest_base
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/librcf/librcf_2.2.0.0.bb:do_compile
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit-gnome_0.105.bb:do_configure
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-gnome/libglade/libglade_2.6.4.bb:do_configure
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-graphics/dnfdragora/dnfdragora_git.bb:do_packagedata
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-navigation/geoclue/geoclue_2.4.4.bb:do_compile
    * openembedded-core/meta/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4.15.bb:do_compile

=== common-x86 (2) ===
    * meta-openembedded/meta-networking/recipes-protocols/tsocks/tsocks_1.8beta5.bb:do_compile
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-benchmark/libhugetlbfs/libhugetlbfs_git.bb:do_compile

=== qemuarm (8) ===
    * meta-openembedded/meta-gnome/recipes-connectivity/network-manager-applet/network-manager-applet_1.4.4.bb:do_compile
    * meta-openembedded/meta-multimedia/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer-1.0/gstd_1.0.bb:do_configure
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/android-tools/android-tools_5.1.1.r37.bb:do_compile
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-graphics/libyui/libyui-ncurses_git.bb:do_packagedata
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-support/poppler/poppler_0.62.0.bb:do_compile
    * meta-qt5/recipes-qt/qt5/qt5-creator_4.5.1.bb:do_compile
    * openembedded-core/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-locale_2.27.bb:do_package_qa
    * openembedded-core/meta/recipes-sato/webkit/webkitgtk_2.18.6.bb:do_compile

=== qemuarm64 (7) ===
    * meta-openembedded/meta-filesystems/recipes-utils/aufs-util/aufs-util_git.bb:do_compile
    * meta-openembedded/meta-initramfs/recipes-kernel/kexec/kexec-tools-klibc_2.0.2.bb:do_configure
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-benchmark/libc-bench/libc-bench_20110206.bb:do_compile
    * openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/glide/glide_0.13.1.bb:do_package_qa
    * openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/go/go_1.10.bb:do_package_qa
    * openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/go/go-dep_0.4.1.bb:do_package_qa
    * openembedded-core/meta/recipes-kernel/kexec/kexec-tools_2.0.16.bb:do_compile

=== qemux86 (23) ===
    * meta-browser/recipes-browser/chromium/chromium-ozone-wayland_64.0.3274.0.r517731.igalia.1.bb:do_compile
    * meta-browser/recipes-browser/chromium/chromium-x11_65.0.3325.162.bb:do_patch
    * meta-browser/recipes-browser/firefox/firefox_45.9.0esr.bb:do_compile
    * meta-openembedded/meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/networkmanager/networkmanager_1.10.6.bb:do_compile
    * meta-openembedded/meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/rdist/rdist_6.1.5.bb:do_package
    * meta-openembedded/meta-networking/recipes-daemons/opensaf/opensaf_5.18.02.bb:do_compile
    * meta-openembedded/meta-networking/recipes-daemons/vsftpd/vsftpd_3.0.3.bb:do_compile
    * meta-openembedded/meta-networking/recipes-netkit/netkit-rsh/netkit-rsh_0.17.bb:do_compile
    * meta-openembedded/meta-networking/recipes-netkit/netkit-rusers/netkit-rusers_0.17.bb:do_compile
    * meta-openembedded/meta-networking/recipes-netkit/netkit-telnet/netkit-telnet_0.17.bb:do_configure
    * meta-openembedded/meta-networking/recipes-support/libtevent/libtevent_0.9.36.bb:do_configure
    * meta-openembedded/meta-networking/recipes-support/wireshark/wireshark_2.4.5.bb:do_compile
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-connectivity/wvdial/wvdial_1.61.bb:do_compile
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/smartmontools/smartmontools_6.6.bb:do_compile
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-kernel/crash/crash_7.2.0.bb:do_compile
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-kernel/minicoredumper/minicoredumper_2.0.0.bb:do_compile
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-multimedia/alsa/alsa-oss_1.0.28.bb:do_compile
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-support/nano/nano_2.9.3.bb:do_package
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-test/pm-qa/pm-qa_git.bb:do_compile
    * meta-qt5/recipes-qt/qt5/qtbase_git.bb:do_configure
    * openembedded-core/meta/recipes-graphics/cogl/cogl-1.0_1.22.2.bb:do_compile
    * openembedded-core/meta/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.12.4.bb:do_compile
    * openembedded-core/meta/recipes-multimedia/x264/x264_git.bb:do_package_qa

=== qemux86_64 (0) ===

=== Number of failed tasks (84) ===
{| class=wikitable
|| qemuarm 	|| 15	 || http://logs.nslu2-linux.org/buildlogs/oe/world/sumo/log.world.qemuarm.20180318_100513.log/ || http://errors.yoctoproject.org/Errors/Build/56306/
|| qemuarm64 	|| 20	 || http://logs.nslu2-linux.org/buildlogs/oe/world/sumo/log.world.qemuarm64.20180319_141248.log/ || http://errors.yoctoproject.org/Errors/Build/56331/
|| qemux86 	|| 34	 || http://logs.nslu2-linux.org/buildlogs/oe/world/sumo/log.world.qemux86.20180318_100529.log/ || http://errors.yoctoproject.org/Errors/Build/56302/
|| qemux86_64 	|| 15	 || http://logs.nslu2-linux.org/buildlogs/oe/world/sumo/log.world.qemux86-64.20180319_111622.log/ || http://errors.yoctoproject.org/Errors/Build/56330/

=== PNBLACKLISTs (0) ===

=== QA issues (10) ===
{| class=wikitable
!| Count		||Issue
||0	||already-stripped
||0	||build-deps
||0	||compile-host-path
||0	||file-rdeps
||0	||invalid-pkgconfig
||0	||ldflags
||0	||libdir
||0	||pkgname
||0	||qa_pseudo
||0	||symlink-to-sysroot
||0	||version-going-backwards
||1	||unknown-configure-option
||2	||host-user-contaminated
||2	||installed-vs-shipped
||7	||textrel

=== Incorrect PACKAGE_ARCH or sstate signatures (186) ===

Complete log: http://logs.nslu2-linux.org/buildlogs/oe/world/sumo/log.signatures.20180320_224227.log/
    * ERROR: 186 issues were found in these recipes: adwaita-icon-theme autoconf-archive ca-certificates cantarell-fonts docbook-xml-dtd4 docbook-xsl-stylesheets encodings faenza-icon-theme firefox-addon-webconverger firefox-l10n-ach firefox-l10n-af firefox-l10n-an firefox-l10n-ar firefox-l10n-as firefox-l10n-ast firefox-l10n-az firefox-l10n-be firefox-l10n-bg firefox-l10n-bn-bd firefox-l10n-bn-in firefox-l10n-br firefox-l10n-bs firefox-l10n-ca firefox-l10n-cs firefox-l10n-cy firefox-l10n-da firefox-l10n-de firefox-l10n-dsb firefox-l10n-el firefox-l10n-en-gb firefox-l10n-en-us firefox-l10n-en-za firefox-l10n-eo firefox-l10n-es-ar firefox-l10n-es-cl firefox-l10n-es-es firefox-l10n-es-mx firefox-l10n-et firefox-l10n-eu firefox-l10n-fa firefox-l10n-ff firefox-l10n-fi firefox-l10n-fr firefox-l10n-fy-nl firefox-l10n-ga-ie firefox-l10n-gd firefox-l10n-gl firefox-l10n-gn firefox-l10n-gu-in firefox-l10n-he firefox-l10n-hi-in firefox-l10n-hr firefox-l10n-hsb firefox-l10n-hu firefox-l10n-hy-am firefox-l10n-id firefox-l10n-is firefox-l10n-it firefox-l10n-ja firefox-l10n-kk firefox-l10n-km firefox-l10n-kn firefox-l10n-ko firefox-l10n-lij firefox-l10n-lt firefox-l10n-lv firefox-l10n-mai firefox-l10n-mk firefox-l10n-ml firefox-l10n-mr firefox-l10n-ms firefox-l10n-nb-no firefox-l10n-nl firefox-l10n-nn-no firefox-l10n-or firefox-l10n-pa-in firefox-l10n-pl firefox-l10n-pt-br firefox-l10n-pt-pt firefox-l10n-rm firefox-l10n-ro firefox-l10n-ru firefox-l10n-si firefox-l10n-sk firefox-l10n-sl firefox-l10n-son firefox-l10n-sq firefox-l10n-sr firefox-l10n-sv-se firefox-l10n-ta firefox-l10n-te firefox-l10n-th firefox-l10n-tr firefox-l10n-uk firefox-l10n-uz firefox-l10n-vi firefox-l10n-xh firefox-l10n-zh-cn firefox-l10n-zh-tw font-alias gnome-common gtksourceview-classic-light hicolor-icon-theme icon-naming-utils initramfs-boot initramfs-debug initramfs-framework initramfs-module-setup-live iso-codes liberation-fonts linux-firmware mplayer-common openzone oprofile os-release packagegroup-core-buildessential packagegroup-core-clutter packagegroup-core-device-devel packagegroup-core-eclipse-debug packagegroup-core-full-cmdline packagegroup-core-nfs packagegroup-core-ssh-dropbear packagegroup-core-ssh-openssh packagegroup-core-standalone-sdk-target packagegroup-core-tools-debug packagegroup-core-x11 packagegroup-core-x11-base packagegroup-fonts-truetype packagegroup-go-sdk-target packagegroup-qt5-qtcreator-debug packagegroup-qt5-toolchain-target packagegroup-sdk-target packagegroup-self-hosted packagegroup-tools-bluetooth packagegroup-xfce-base packagegroup-xfce-extended packagegroup-xfce-multimedia phoronix-test-suite phpmyadmin poppler-data ppp-dialin pseudo-test pulseaudio-client-conf-sato qt5-demo-extrafiles resolvconf rodent-icon-theme run-postinsts shutdown-desktop source-han-sans-cn-fonts source-han-sans-jp-fonts source-han-sans-kr-fonts source-han-sans-tw-fonts terminus-font tesseract-lang ttf-abyssinica ttf-arphic-uming ttf-dejavu ttf-droid ttf-gentium ttf-hunkyfonts ttf-inconsolata ttf-liberation ttf-liberation-sans-narrow ttf-lklug ttf-lohit ttf-mplus ttf-pt-sans ttf-sazanami ttf-tlwg ttf-ubuntu-font-family ttf-vlgothic ttf-wqy-zenhei tzdata update-rc.d usbinit usb-modeswitch-data volatile-binds wayland-protocols weston-init xcursor-transparent-theme xfce-dusk-gtk3 xorg-fonts-100dpi xorg-minimal-fonts xuser-account

    * ERROR: 1 errors found in signatures.qemux86.do_configure.sigdata.log
    * ERROR: 1 errors found in signatures.qemux86.do_populate_sysroot.sigdata.log
    * ERROR: 1 errors found in signatures.qemux86.do_package_write_ipk.sigdata.log
    * ERROR: 183 errors found in signatures.qemuarm.do_package_write_ipk.sigdata.log

    * ERROR: oprofile different signature for task do_configure.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemux86
    * ERROR: 1 errors found in /home/jenkins/oe/world/shr-core/tmpfs/sstate-diff/1521621747/signatures.qemux86.do_configure.sigdata.log
    * ERROR: oprofile different signature for task do_populate_sysroot.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemux86
    * ERROR: 1 errors found in /home/jenkins/oe/world/shr-core/tmpfs/sstate-diff/1521621747/signatures.qemux86.do_populate_sysroot.sigdata.log
    * ERROR: oprofile different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemux86
    * ERROR: 1 errors found in /home/jenkins/oe/world/shr-core/tmpfs/sstate-diff/1521621747/signatures.qemux86.do_package_write_ipk.sigdata.log
    * ERROR: adwaita-icon-theme different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: autoconf-archive different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ca-certificates different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: cantarell-fonts different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: docbook-xml-dtd4 different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: docbook-xsl-stylesheets different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: encodings different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: faenza-icon-theme different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-addon-webconverger different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-ach different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-af different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-an different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-ar different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-as different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-ast different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-az different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-be different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-bg different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-bn-bd different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-bn-in different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-br different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-bs different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-ca different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-cs different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-cy different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-da different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-de different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-dsb different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-el different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-en-gb different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-en-us different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-en-za different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-eo different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-es-ar different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-es-cl different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-es-es different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-es-mx different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-et different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-eu different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-fa different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-ff different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-fi different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-fr different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-fy-nl different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-ga-ie different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-gd different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-gl different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-gn different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-gu-in different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-he different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-hi-in different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-hr different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-hsb different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-hu different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-hy-am different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-id different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-is different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-it different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-ja different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-kk different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-km different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-kn different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-ko different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-lij different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-lt different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-lv different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-mai different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-mk different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-ml different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-mr different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-ms different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-nb-no different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-nl different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-nn-no different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-or different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-pa-in different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-pl different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-pt-br different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-pt-pt different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-rm different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-ro different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-ru different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-si different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-sk different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-sl different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-son different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-sq different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-sr different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-sv-se different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-ta different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-te different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-th different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-tr different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-uk different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-uz different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-vi different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-xh different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-zh-cn different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: firefox-l10n-zh-tw different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: font-alias different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: gnome-common different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: gtksourceview-classic-light different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: hicolor-icon-theme different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: icon-naming-utils different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: initramfs-boot different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: initramfs-debug different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: initramfs-framework different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: initramfs-module-setup-live different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: iso-codes different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: liberation-fonts different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: linux-firmware different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: mplayer-common different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: openzone different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: os-release different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-core-buildessential different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-core-clutter different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-core-device-devel different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-core-eclipse-debug different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-core-full-cmdline different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-core-nfs different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-core-ssh-dropbear different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-core-ssh-openssh different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-core-standalone-sdk-target different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-core-tools-debug different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-core-x11 different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-core-x11-base different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-fonts-truetype different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-go-sdk-target different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-qt5-qtcreator-debug different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-qt5-toolchain-target different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-sdk-target different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-self-hosted different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-tools-bluetooth different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-xfce-base different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-xfce-extended different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: packagegroup-xfce-multimedia different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: phoronix-test-suite different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: phpmyadmin different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: poppler-data different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ppp-dialin different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: pseudo-test different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: pulseaudio-client-conf-sato different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: qt5-demo-extrafiles different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: resolvconf different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: rodent-icon-theme different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: run-postinsts different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: shutdown-desktop different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: source-han-sans-cn-fonts different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: source-han-sans-jp-fonts different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: source-han-sans-kr-fonts different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: source-han-sans-tw-fonts different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: terminus-font different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: tesseract-lang different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ttf-abyssinica different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ttf-arphic-uming different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ttf-dejavu different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ttf-droid different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ttf-gentium different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ttf-hunkyfonts different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ttf-inconsolata different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ttf-liberation different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ttf-liberation-sans-narrow different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ttf-lklug different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ttf-lohit different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ttf-mplus different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ttf-pt-sans different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ttf-sazanami different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ttf-tlwg different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ttf-ubuntu-font-family different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ttf-vlgothic different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: ttf-wqy-zenhei different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: tzdata different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: update-rc.d different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: usbinit different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: usb-modeswitch-data different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: volatile-binds different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: wayland-protocols different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: weston-init different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: xcursor-transparent-theme different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: xfce-dusk-gtk3 different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: xorg-fonts-100dpi different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: xorg-minimal-fonts different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: xuser-account different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
    * ERROR: 183 errors found in /home/jenkins/oe/world/shr-core/tmpfs/sstate-diff/1521621747/signatures.qemuarm.do_package_write_ipk.sigdata.log
    * ERROR: 186 issues were found in these recipes: adwaita-icon-theme autoconf-archive ca-certificates cantarell-fonts docbook-xml-dtd4 docbook-xsl-stylesheets encodings faenza-icon-theme firefox-addon-webconverger firefox-l10n-ach firefox-l10n-af firefox-l10n-an firefox-l10n-ar firefox-l10n-as firefox-l10n-ast firefox-l10n-az firefox-l10n-be firefox-l10n-bg firefox-l10n-bn-bd firefox-l10n-bn-in firefox-l10n-br firefox-l10n-bs firefox-l10n-ca firefox-l10n-cs firefox-l10n-cy firefox-l10n-da firefox-l10n-de firefox-l10n-dsb firefox-l10n-el firefox-l10n-en-gb firefox-l10n-en-us firefox-l10n-en-za firefox-l10n-eo firefox-l10n-es-ar firefox-l10n-es-cl firefox-l10n-es-es firefox-l10n-es-mx firefox-l10n-et firefox-l10n-eu firefox-l10n-fa firefox-l10n-ff firefox-l10n-fi firefox-l10n-fr firefox-l10n-fy-nl firefox-l10n-ga-ie firefox-l10n-gd firefox-l10n-gl firefox-l10n-gn firefox-l10n-gu-in firefox-l10n-he firefox-l10n-hi-in firefox-l10n-hr firefox-l10n-hsb firefox-l10n-hu firefox-l10n-hy-am firefox-l10n-id firefox-l10n-is firefox-l10n-it firefox-l10n-ja firefox-l10n-kk firefox-l10n-km firefox-l10n-kn firefox-l10n-ko firefox-l10n-lij firefox-l10n-lt firefox-l10n-lv firefox-l10n-mai firefox-l10n-mk firefox-l10n-ml firefox-l10n-mr firefox-l10n-ms firefox-l10n-nb-no firefox-l10n-nl firefox-l10n-nn-no firefox-l10n-or firefox-l10n-pa-in firefox-l10n-pl firefox-l10n-pt-br firefox-l10n-pt-pt firefox-l10n-rm firefox-l10n-ro firefox-l10n-ru firefox-l10n-si firefox-l10n-sk firefox-l10n-sl firefox-l10n-son firefox-l10n-sq firefox-l10n-sr firefox-l10n-sv-se firefox-l10n-ta firefox-l10n-te firefox-l10n-th firefox-l10n-tr firefox-l10n-uk firefox-l10n-uz firefox-l10n-vi firefox-l10n-xh firefox-l10n-zh-cn firefox-l10n-zh-tw font-alias gnome-common gtksourceview-classic-light hicolor-icon-theme icon-naming-utils initramfs-boot initramfs-debug initramfs-framework initramfs-module-setup-live iso-codes liberation-fonts linux-firmware mplayer-common openzone oprofile os-release packagegroup-core-buildessential packagegroup-core-clutter packagegroup-core-device-devel packagegroup-core-eclipse-debug packagegroup-core-full-cmdline packagegroup-core-nfs packagegroup-core-ssh-dropbear packagegroup-core-ssh-openssh packagegroup-core-standalone-sdk-target packagegroup-core-tools-debug packagegroup-core-x11 packagegroup-core-x11-base packagegroup-fonts-truetype packagegroup-go-sdk-target packagegroup-qt5-qtcreator-debug packagegroup-qt5-toolchain-target packagegroup-sdk-target packagegroup-self-hosted packagegroup-tools-bluetooth packagegroup-xfce-base packagegroup-xfce-extended packagegroup-xfce-multimedia phoronix-test-suite phpmyadmin poppler-data ppp-dialin pseudo-test pulseaudio-client-conf-sato qt5-demo-extrafiles resolvconf rodent-icon-theme run-postinsts shutdown-desktop source-han-sans-cn-fonts source-han-sans-jp-fonts source-han-sans-kr-fonts source-han-sans-tw-fonts terminus-font tesseract-lang ttf-abyssinica ttf-arphic-uming ttf-dejavu ttf-droid ttf-gentium ttf-hunkyfonts ttf-inconsolata ttf-liberation ttf-liberation-sans-narrow ttf-lklug ttf-lohit ttf-mplus ttf-pt-sans ttf-sazanami ttf-tlwg ttf-ubuntu-font-family ttf-vlgothic ttf-wqy-zenhei tzdata update-rc.d usbinit usb-modeswitch-data volatile-binds wayland-protocols weston-init xcursor-transparent-theme xfce-dusk-gtk3 xorg-fonts-100dpi xorg-minimal-fonts xuser-account

PNBLACKLIST[android-system] = "depends on lxc from meta-virtualiazation which isn't included in my world builds"
PNBLACKLIST[bigbuckbunny-1080p] = "big and doesn't really need to be tested so much"
PNBLACKLIST[bigbuckbunny-480p] = "big and doesn't really need to be tested so much"
PNBLACKLIST[bigbuckbunny-720p] = "big and doesn't really need to be tested so much"
PNBLACKLIST[bigbuckbunny-720p] = "big and doesn't really need to be tested so much"
PNBLACKLIST[tearsofsteel-1080p] = "big and doesn't really need to be tested so much"
PNBLACKLIST[build-appliance-image] = "tries to include whole downloads directory in /home/builder/poky :/"

QA issues by type:
count: 0	issue: already-stripped

count: 0	issue: libdir

count: 7	issue: textrel
ELF binary '/work/aarch64-oe-linux/glide/0.13.1-r0/packages-split/glide-ptest/usr/lib/glide/ptest/github.com/Masterminds/glide/action/action.test' has relocations in .text [textrel]
ELF binary '/work/aarch64-oe-linux/go/1.10-r0/packages-split/go/usr/lib/go/bin/go' has relocations in .text [textrel]
glide-0.13.1: ELF binary '/work/i586-oe-linux-musl/glide/0.13.1-r0/packages-split/glide/usr/bin/glide' has relocations in .text [textrel]
go-dep-0.4.1: ELF binary '/work/aarch64-oe-linux/go-dep/0.4.1-r0/packages-split/go-dep-ptest/usr/lib/go-dep/ptest/github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep/dep.test' has relocations in .text [textrel]
go-dep-0.4.1: ELF binary '/work/i586-oe-linux-musl/go-dep/0.4.1-r0/packages-split/go-dep/usr/bin/dep' has relocations in .text [textrel]
x264-r2854+gitAUTOINC+e9a5903edf: ELF binary '/work/i586-oe-linux-musl/x264/r2854+gitAUTOINC+e9a5903edf-r0/packages-split/x264-bin/usr/bin/x264' has relocations in .text [textrel]
x264-r2854+gitAUTOINC+e9a5903edf: ELF binary '/work/i586-oe-linux-musl/x264/r2854+gitAUTOINC+e9a5903edf-r0/packages-split/x264/usr/lib/libx264.so.152' has relocations in .text [textrel]

count: 0	issue: build-deps

count: 0	issue: file-rdeps

count: 0	issue: version-going-backwards

count: 2	issue: host-user-contaminated
glibc-locale-2.27: glibc-locale: /glibc-binary-localedata-hsb-de/usr/lib/locale/hsb_DE/LC_PAPER is owned by uid 3004, which is the same as the user running bitbake. This may be due to host contamination [host-user-contaminated]
glibc-locale-2.27: glibc-locale: /glibc-binary-localedata-ig-ng/usr/lib/locale/ig_NG/LC_PAPER is owned by uid 3004, which is the same as the user running bitbake. This may be due to host contamination [host-user-contaminated]

count: 2	issue: installed-vs-shipped
nano: 2 installed and not shipped files. [installed-vs-shipped]
rdist: 1 installed and not shipped files. [installed-vs-shipped]

count: 1	issue: unknown-configure-option
gstd-1.0: gstd: configure was passed unrecognised options: --disable-gtk-doc [unknown-configure-option]

count: 0	issue: symlink-to-sysroot

count: 0	issue: invalid-pkgconfig

count: 0	issue: pkgname

count: 0	issue: ldflags

count: 0	issue: compile-host-path

count: 0	issue: qa_pseudo

This git log matches with the metadata as seen by qemuarm build.
In some cases qemux86 and qemux86-64 builds are built with slightly
different metadata, you can see the exact version near the top of each
log.world.qemu* files linked from the report

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - bitbake ==
latest upstream commit: 
6138897 cooker: Fix environment double key expansion issue
not included in master yet: 
7eec204 world-image: add extra target
5e7e759 fetch2: Allow Fetch.download() to warn instead of error

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - openembedded-core ==
latest upstream commit: 
c94271d buildperf: measure the size of core-image-sato rootfs
not included in master yet: 
4867ea0 waf.bbclass: check that waf exists before trying to execute it
fa9108b iputils: add PACKAGECONFIG for libidn and disable it by default
d466dd1 insane.bbclass: Add do_qa_pseudo function to check for common errors listed in pseudo.log
0e950b4 kernel-devicetree.bbclass: Use lowercase names for shell variables
8190af1 kernel-devicetree.bbclass: Fix and simplify instalation of DTB files
e253025 kernel.bbclass: use the consistent naming schema for initramfs
1a2596c kernel.bbclass: move variables for kernel artifacts names to separate bbclass
a0b45a5 report-error: Allow to upload reports automatically
8c9e464 sstate.bbclass: Do not cause build failures due to setscene errors
5addb52 patch.py: Use git format-patch with --no-signature --no-numbered params
cd24a83 buildhistory.bbclass: metadata-revs show repo parent
29d2f2e metadata-revs: provide more information
10b8ce6 qemux86: Add identical qemux86copy variant for tests
86f5caf pseudo: bump SRCREV
70011d5 pseudo-text: add dummy recipe to reproduce YOCTO #12434
e6ffeec gio-module-cache.bbclass: disable update_gio_module_cache postinst script for nativesdk
2da84f1 shadow.inc: run postinst only for target
6d1c79c ca-certificates: run postinst script only for -target package

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-openembedded ==
latest upstream commit: 
790ddac python-sqlalchemy: update to version 1.1.17
not included in master yet: 
5fe43eb libgpiod: fix packaging of tools
73c7155 obexftp: use makefile instead of ninja cmake generator
ce32d1d geoipupdate: 2.4.0 -> 2.5.0
da1ec81 mdns: Do not include nss.h with musl
7063991 iscsi-initiator-utils: Upgrade to 2.0.876
50d876e samba: Refresh musl pam patch
c8511ca miniupnpd: update to 2.0.20180203 and add systemd service
e432cbd wireshark: Update Package to 2.2.12
2f695cb opensaf: Upgrade to 5.18.02
8550bb5 libtalloc: Upgrade to 2.1.11
ea8581c postfix: adapt pkg_postinst to postinst_intercept
79a3f2e geoip: 1.6.9 -> 1.6.11
be70b5f dhcpcd: update to 6.11.5
adc9709 wireshark: update to new 2.4.5 series
e2b18f8 openl2tp: fix compile issue with 4.15 kernel
ed26fb6 grpc: move it from oe to networking layer
8c6cda8 mosquito: move from oe to networking layer
2c30335 ntp: add libgcc as runtime dependency
1dcf4c8 xfce4-panel: add gtk-icon-cache to inherit
c773b26 xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin: update 2.1.4 -> 2.1.5
40192b8 exo: update 0.11.5 -> 0.12.0
ec3d5eb thunar: update 1.6.13 -> 1.6.14
aa53694 xfce4-timer-plugin: update 1.6.0 -> 1.7.0
5a19b5e menulibre: update 2.1.3 -> 2.1.5
83fef1a xfce4-notifyd: update 0.4.0 -> 0.4.2
060b0ed parole: update 0.8.1 -> 1.0.0
343df76 xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin: update 0.3.4 -> 0.3.5
6831931 fltk: rework packaging
3e07fc7 devilspie2: update 0.42 -> 0.43
61f0c8d xfce4-terminal: update 0.8.6 ->
a070447 nginx: update development version to 1.13.9
f5de4a7 php: Security Advisory - php - CVE-2018-5711
02c0718 nano: 2.7.4 -> 2.9.3
7bf1165 nautilus: remove unused patches
356bfd4 breakpad: remove unused patch
45a234e flite: remove leftover patch
5d0765d libeigen: remove unused patch
fe95d7a gst-ffmpeg: remove leftover patch
cce5b7a fvwm: add new recipe
1c67160 cpupower: add gettext-native to DEPENDS
9d7fa3c kodi: add PACKAGECONFIG for samba and enable only with pam in DISTRO_FEATURES
43fe36a kodi: fix indentation
c5985b6 uim: add glibc-utils glibc-gconv-euc-jp only for libc-glibc
f19ff7d vboxguestdrivers: upgrade to 5.2.8
eb22faf python3-cryptography: Add -pthread to link flags
52f2bf1 python-pymongo: update to version 3.6.1
03dd486 python-cffi: update to version 1.11.4
e1bd73d python-serpent: update to version 1.24
a3b3706 sox: backport fix for dynamically linked flac builds
211ea16 cppzmq: 4.2.3 update
a934d46 python-pytest.inc: add ${PYTHON_PN}-doctest to RDEPENDS
a135032 tipcutils: Fix builds with kernel headers >= 4.15
fb49d77 libsdl2-mixer: Upgrade to 2.0.2
de4c43d python-pynetlinux: add recipe for 1.1 version
e90f4ba python-pyexpect: add recipe for 1.0.17 version
d871473 python3-scapy: add recipe for 0.23 version
7abd866 python-robotframework: add recipe for 3.0.2 version
5f4f8d7 libiio: update and improve recipe
1530535 pyrtm: update RDEPENDS to include python-logging
9bdeb6d python-pymisp: add dateutil to the set of RDEPENDS
e538f7a phpmyadmin: update to version 4.7.9
5ecaa85 phpmyadmin: add correct versions for upstream url and version regex
107469d hthttpd: add a valid upstream check uri and regex
04b70b4 webmin: add a valid upstream check uri and regex
7053c42 monkey: add a valid upstream check uri and regex
0e31ba0 python3-pid: update to version 2.2.0
2e4b42c python-scrypt: update to version 0.8.6
bf5789c python-pyjwt: update to version 1.6.0
ce6a720 python-protobuf: update to version 3.5.2
ca24932 openbox: Improve handling of openbox-session / gnome-openbox-session
08e4b00 zeromq: 4.2.3 update
1993808 libtevent: update to version 0.9.36
8f69ab3 libldb: update to version 1.3.1
b438df3 samba: update to 4.7.5
88d684c ebtables: enable KERNEL_64_USERSPACE_32 for arm
689e20e keepalived: Upgrade from 1.3.5 -> 1.4.2
3543bdb libyui,libyui-ncurses: Update to lates
f0f6580 libyui-ncurses: Fix build with musl _nl_msg_cat_cntr in not available
21f3804 ebtables: Fix duplicate definition errors due to netinet/ether.h
8eefed2 gnome-keyring, libgnome-keyring: Fix to compile with latest oe-core
b606ad4 krb5: remove PACKAGECONFIG for openssl
8c55ce9 sysdig: don't build for aarch64
bb4329a networkmanager upgrade to 1.10.6
1eb88dc hostapd: not compatible with openssl-no-weak-ciphers
ad87bfa glm: update -> 0.9.9-a2 to fix x86_64 (sse-simd) build
66d3964 smartmontools: 6.5 -> 6.6
5b141fa ipcalc: add initial recipe for version 0.2.2
0c4b6aa Add support for pyiface
6191444 glibmm: refresh the patch
41038a7 gperftools: refresh the patches
785bb39 tcpdump: refresh patches
4daf586 directfb: add more PACKAGECONFIGs
3f1c002 hostapd: fix LICENSE + misc recipe updates
9cf45d0 freediameter: add dependency on virtual/kernel and use MACHINE_ARCH
9a623e5 ntp: refresh patch
2a09e77 python-futures: upgrade v3.0.5 -> v3.2.0; inherit pypi
c74d9e2 python-pylint: update to version 1.8.3
7fbb269 python-pip: update to version 9.0.2
4538df8 python-lxml: update to version 4.2.0
36d0055 python-msgpack: update to version 0.5.6
0c3e7ca python-astroid: update to version 1.6.2
60749cd python-dateutil: update to version 2.7.0
da282a9 python-cython: update to version 0.28
699f2a5 glm: fix build breaks when using glx headers / fix install
c215584 abiword: remove unneeded libglade from dependencies
e96746f fluidsynth: update 1.1.9 -> 1.1.10
e62d7a5 xfce4-terminal: update ->
4d8a74e xfce4-settings: update 4.12.1 -> 4.12.2
50bb3b8 gnuplot: update 5.0.5 -> 5.2.2 and rework
b82a1f3 poppler: update 0.57.0 -> 0.62.0

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-qt5 ==
latest upstream commit: 
e60e849 qtpurchasing: upgrade to 5.10.1
not included in master yet: 
c984f40 qtbase: Add packageconfigs for renameat2 and getentropy use
fe8e38c qtbase: don't enable renameat2 by default
6e663f4 qt5-git.inc: drop nobranch=1
caa615b qt5: upgrade to 5.11 Alpha
caad8dd qt5-creator: upgrade to 4.5.1
9e3b496 packagegroup-qt5-toolchain-target: drop both qtwebkit packages

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-browser ==
latest upstream commit: 
cadc017 Merge pull request #104 from rakuco/m65-162
not included in master yet: 

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