[oe] qtwebkit_git.bb recipe

Tim Godfrey timothy.godfrey at gmail.com
Wed May 16 00:39:21 UTC 2018


I am working on building the Qt5 SDK for a target machine, and came across
a problem trying to get qtwebkit to build. The qtwebkit recipe would fail
because of a file/path not found error returned by sed, from lines 75 to 79
of qtwebkit_git.bb:

do_install_append() {
    # Remove paths to workdir, qtwebkit is dead now, so I won't spend extra
time trying to prevent this
    # from some .prl or .prf file like for other modules
    sed -i 's at -Wl,-no-whole-archive -L${B}[^ ]* @ @g'

When the author says, 'qtwebkit is dead now', are they referring to the API
or a build process? If they are referring to the API, shouldn't qtwebkit be
replaced by qtwebengine in other files like create_qt5.py and the
qt5-creator recipes? One solution to the problem might be to migrate to
qtwebengine as the default. Is this the intended direction?

I am inferring that some users might still prefer to build Qt5 with
qtwebkit instead of qtwebengine, and that the qtwebkit is possibly still
needed. Accordingly, a second solution might be to fix the qtwebkit recipe.
I can remove the error by removing the problematic do_install_append, but
what problem is the sed command solving, and what is its intended function?
Is it still necessary?

All input warmly received, thanks!

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