[oe] [meta-oe][PATCH 5/8] luajit: Dont use BUILD_LDFLAGS when compiling host binaries

Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez clopez at igalia.com
Fri May 18 13:27:07 UTC 2018

On 18/05/18 06:44, Khem Raj wrote:
>> I suggest adding something like this:
>> EXTRA_OEMAKE_remove_class-target = "'HOST_LDFLAGS=${BUILD_LDFLAGS}'"
> This would be a general case where we have bbclassextend for native
> luajit is a special case however, where the needed build time tools
> are built along the target build, thats why this fix.  The change you
> you proposed might not work in this case.

I'm carrying this change here [1]:

First I tried setting the removal without specifying a target, like in


But then doing:

bitbake -f -c cleanall luajit-native
bitbake luajit-native

Will fail.

Specifying the removal only for the target class is what allowed this to
work for both luajit and luajit-native
(just in case is relevant, my target machine is a raspberrypi3 (32-bit))



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