Checklist for the General Assembly

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Checklist to organize the General Assembly

Preparing the General Assembly

  1. Pick date at least ~7 weeks from now
  2. Pick a venue for the conference
  3. Take the last invitation and change the date, location and the year of the assembly
  4. Point people to the proxy form. File:Proxy instructions-oe.pdf (Source - File:Proxy instructions-oe.odt)
  5. Create a WIKI page for the Agenda (TODO: Come up with a namespace)
  6. Send the Invitation, Proxyform and Agenda to the members list

Holding the General Assembly

  1. Start with the "Welcome"
  2. Make sure there are no valid objections to hold the assembly
  3. Make sure someone writes the protocol. It needs to include at least the following items:
    1. Beginning and end of the GA
    2. Attending members and proxies
    3. Agenda
    4. Decisions made by voting w/ vote stats

Paper work

  1. Turn the minutes into a proper protocol (whole sentences prefered)
  2. Send the protocol to the member list
  3. Send the protocol to the german authorities. The address is:
    1. TODO: Address / Club number for Amtsgericht