[OE-core] [oe-core 1/4] qt4-embedded: remove dependency on tslib and use std. linux input

Eric Bénard eric at eukrea.com
Wed Oct 12 20:09:01 UTC 2011


Le 12/10/2011 21:52, Simon Busch a écrit :
> I will provide another patch in the following days which just makes
> qte.sh use of a std. linux input dev node instead of a tslib one if
> nobody has any objections against this.
maybe moving qt4-embedded-conf in its own recipe would be better : that would 
allow qte.sh customization without having to rebuild qt4-embedded.
Then you could have qte.sh with linux input in your machine's overlay and 
could keep the default qte.sh as it actually is in oe-core.

Also, does defaulting to linux input dev works in qemu machines (for example 
with qt4e-demo-image ?


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