[OE-core] Trying to compile Scipy, but stuck on native cc and ld

Brandon Stafford brandon at rascalmicro.com
Thu Sep 6 16:36:47 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I'm working on a recipe for Scipy, which is a Python library for
scientific computation. It contains chunks of code in C and Fortran.

I have seen this recent message from Phil Blundell (about an entirely
different recipe) that suggests that the problem may be the use of the
host's cc and ld, rather than the correct ARM cross-compilers:

This looks like the problem to me, but I'm not sure how to tell the
Python build script that it should be cross-compiling. Based on Phil's
message, I'd expect it involves setting ${CC} and ${LD} and somehow
passing them to Python, but I'm not sure how.

Full error message: http://pastebin.com/pMvaLpcz
Recipe in broken state: http://pastebin.com/a5jm45vB

(The line export LDFLAGS = "-L${STAGING_LIBDIR}" is just there because
another mailing list suggestion:
It does not appear to affect the errors produced.)

Any suggestions?


Brandon Stafford
Rascal Micro: small computers for art and science
Somerville, MA, USA

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