[OE-core] [PATCH 01/26] systemd: upgrade to 216

Peter A. Bigot pab at pabigot.com
Thu Sep 4 19:30:14 UTC 2014

On 09/02/2014 05:53 AM, Chen Qi wrote:
> Upgrade systemd from 213 to 216.

This broke me, because by 216 systemd started managing /etc/resolv.conf 
which is fine except that it uses a static configuration in 
/etc/systemd/resolved.conf, whereas in the 213 days I was getting 
/etc/resolv.conf managed by connman which set up the nameservers based 
on information it received from dhcp meaning one less per-host 
configuration file I need to manage.

I was able to get working behavior again by doing systemctl disable 
systemd-resolved, removing the /etc/resolv.conf symlink, and rebooting.

Further investigation suggests that systemd-networkd is intended to do 
the same sort of thing as connman, though so maybe I need to shoot that 

I have no answers, but just wanted to note that there now appears to be 
some conflict between connman and systemd that didn't used to be there. 
Maybe systemd-networkd and its constituent pieces need to be pulled out 
as a separate package?  Or some sort of conflict detection if both 
connman and systemd-networkd are in the same image?


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