[oe] madwifi

Justin Patrin papercrane at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 09:50:51 UTC 2006

On 12/4/06, Andrew Paulsen <andrew.paulsen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone have any tips for including madwifi into a gpe-image build?
> I can "bitbake madwifi-ng" by itself and that appears to work.
> If I add
> to my machine.conf, or add
> GPE_EXTRA_INSTALL += "madwifi-ng"
> to my gpe-image.bb, I get an:
> "ERROR: Nothing provides runtime dependency madwifi-ng"
> Is there a better way to add packages to an image?

The problem you're facing is that you're adding only a runtime
(install-time) dependency and not a compile-time dependency. If you're
compiling in the .dev branch then this is likely a bug (if you're
using BOOTSTRAP_EXTRA_RDEPENDS). If you're using the .oz354x branch
then you need to add madwifi-ng to the DEPENDS of the file you're
editing too.

Justin Patrin

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