[oe] Thread-support in perl-native often breaks libintl-perl

Martin Dietze di at fh-wedel.de
Thu Feb 8 11:31:36 UTC 2007


 on most platforms thread support is turned off for the
cross-compiled perl packages. However it is always turned 
on in the perl-native package. Since libraries like
libintl-perl depend on perl-native since they include their
headers from staging/[my-platform]-linux/lib/perl5 we get
an inconsistent configuration: the shared lib gettext_xs.so
is cross-compiled with headers with thread support turned
on while the actual (non-native) perl has it turned off. In
the end libintl-perl will not work:

| /var/bin/perl: relocation error: /var/lib/perl5/auto/Locale/gettext_xs/gettext_xs.so: undefined symbol: Perl_Gthr_key_ptr

Removing the `-Dusethreads' from the perl-native recipe solves
this problem, but will it cause problems for others?

BTW, where is bugs.openembedded.org - it has not been up for a 
longer while...



-------------- Martin Dietze --------------- / -- 4G Systeme GmbH Hamburg ---
-- martin at the-little-red-haired-girl.org -- / ---- dietze at 4g-systems.com ----
------------- / http://herbert.the-little-red-haired-girl.org / -------------
- Are you attempting to tell me my duty, sir?
- No. Just having fun trying to guess what they are.

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