[oe] [RFC] madwifi staging and hostap-deamon support for madwifi

Rod Whitby rod at whitby.id.au
Mon Mar 12 03:09:15 UTC 2007

I want to get hostap-deamon working for madwifi (on the IOMega NAS100d,
and D-Link DSMG-600 RevA).

Currently, it does not support madwifi, and the current madwifi-ng
recipe is putting the include files in a place other than the place that
hostapd looks for them during the compile.  Also, hostapd has an
RDEPENDS on hostapd-modules, which does not make sense for madwifi.

I'd like to change madwifi-ng to put the files in the right place, and
then change hostap-daemon to enable madwifi support and use those
include files.  Are there any other known packages that use madwifi
include files that may be affected?

I can either enable this globally, or enable it for the slugos distro
only, or enable it for ixp4xx machines only.  Which should I do?

Here is the madwifi-ng.inc patch:

>  do_stage() {
> -       install -d ${STAGING_INCDIR}/${PN}/include
> -       install -d ${STAGING_INCDIR}/${PN}/net80211
> -       cp --dereference include/compat.h ${STAGING_INCDIR}/${PN}/include/
> -       cp --dereference net80211/*.h ${STAGING_INCDIR}/${PN}/net80211/
> +       install -d ${STAGING_INCDIR}/net80211
> +       cp --dereference include/compat.h ${STAGING_INCDIR}/net80211/
> +       cp --dereference net80211/*.h ${STAGING_INCDIR}/net80211/
>  }

Here is the hostap-daemon.inc patch (example using a _ixp4xx override):

> -RDEPENDS = "hostap-modules hostap-utils (${PV})"
> +RDEPENDS = "hostap-utils (${PV})"
> +DEPENDS_append_ixp4xx = " madwifi-ng"
> +do_configure_ixp4xx() {
> +               '${WORKDIR}/defconfig' >>'${S}/.config'
> +}

If there are no responses, I will continue with the madwifi-ng change as
above, and do the override for all _ixp4xx machines.

-- Rod

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