[oe] Getting Started -Makefile

Rod Whitby rod at whitby.id.au
Tue Nov 20 21:11:31 UTC 2007

Koen Kooi wrote:
> Rod Whitby schreef:
>> Are the powers of persuasion of the various Makefile authors so great
>> that they can convince people to type more characters, even when the
>> documentation, wiki and tutorials provided by OE explicitly tell people
>> to use a command which involves typing less characters?
> As I pointed out in an earlier email: The nslu2 and openmoko wiki pretty
> much mandate using the makefile.
> I get the impression you deliberately try to confuse us by mentioning
> openmoko on one hand and then pointing to the OE instead of the OM wiki.

And you continue to dodge the real question of what needs to be done to
bitbake to make it easier to use than a Makefile - it's already less
characters to type, why aren't people using it.

When you start to address the real question, and stop just disparaging
other development practices for the sake of it, then we can have a
serious discussion about this.

-- Rod

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