[oe] Getting Started -Makefile

Paul Sokolovsky pmiscml at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 17:57:13 UTC 2007

Hello Esben,

Wednesday, November 21, 2007, 8:20:57 AM, you wrote:


>> The question is how to fix this problem correctly.
>> One possibility would be that bitbake, if BBPATH is unset, issues a
>> warning and scans the file system (starting from the $PWD) for a
>> certain file (local.conf) in which BBPATH would be specified.

> Something like that would be nice. When bitbake finds BBPATH unset, it
> traverses from $PWD to / to find a .bbenv (or some other filename, but
> local.conf is probably not a good one), which can setup BBPATH,
> PYTHONPATH, OEDIR or whatever env virables is used in the
> conf/local.conf file.

  LOL. So, editing .bashrc is hard, while creating and editing some
obscure file is easy?

> To guard against bad bitbake versions (as BBPATH
> is unset, bitbake can be expected to be picked up from a generic PATH)
> it might be smart to introduce a variable in local.conf stating specific
> or minimum version requirements for bitbake.

  ... Ah, and it comes at the expense yet?

> Would there by any problems in extending bitbake calling convention in
> this way?

  Yes. Occam's blade. There's nothing to extend for. "man bash" will
make everyone who does it an expert not only in bitbake, but in Unix
way of doing stuff at all. After that, it will be much easier to
decide if something worth fixing, if yes, then why, and finally, how.

> /Esben

Best regards,
 Paul                            mailto:pmiscml at gmail.com

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