[oe] Question about configuration

RvP lists at t3i.nl
Thu Apr 10 12:30:29 UTC 2008


I am new to oe, and have a question about configuration of bb files. I have
copied an image bb file and task bb file into my own directory and manually
modified it. When I first built the image (bb my-image) then everything
worked fine. However, when I modified the task file (which is the image
depends on), then changes id not become effective after running 'bb my-image'

In the task file, I changed some of the _STANDARD_RRECOMMENDS lines, which
should include some extra kernel modules. The modules have been build as part
of the kernel but thy don't show up in the rootfs. Also, if I remove some of
the kernel modules from the _STANDARD_RRECOMMENDS, then they will still show
up after building.

I am sure that the bb files are ok. If I clean and build everything from the
start (incl. toolchain) using my modified bb files, then the rootfs and
deployment image show up as expected.

I gues my question is: what should I do to make changes in my task bb file
effective? Is there a cache that should be flushed, or should I run some
extra command?


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