[oe] Summary of an unwanted merge and what I did

Holger Freyther zecke at selfish.org
Mon Apr 28 11:44:32 UTC 2008


I love countries where they block the SMTP port and somehow even if I did sent 
two mails on this.

So here my summary:
	I had both Openembedded and Openmoko in the same database and innocently 
typed mtn merge, got annoyed with the ncc on gsmhandset.state files, 
completed the merge, pushed. I only had a look at the last rev of the two 
heads and it was a DEPENDS fixlet to neod which looked about right, so 
decided to do the merge. Only afterwards I saw I just merged the qtopia-phone 

So what did I learn about mtn:
	- You can not disapprove a merge!
	- So I decided to suspend the merge, the ncc preparation and the head of OM. 
This lead to a tree without any heads. :)
	- Then I used the last not OM head I had (one ancestor of the merge) and did 
a change and created a new head.

I assumed this situation was fixed, we have OM history in the OE.db which is 
not bad, but still the Qtopia phone recipes are not within OE. Everything 
looked fine until I got poked on irc.

It looks like someone is using a mtn without the support for the suspend cert, 
and he did the merge again.

I could suspend the merge, create a new head without the merge but then 
someone without a mtn with the suspend cert support will do a merge... and I 
could suspend the merge, create a new head wihtout the merge but then someone 
without a mtn with the suspend will do a merge... I love infinite recursion.

I have no idea how to fix this situation without ditching monotone. E.g. If 
mtn would transfer the client version number and we could reject this with a 
lua hook we would be set, but I don't remember seing such thing.

ideas? I'm tempted to say sorry but I think I'm not the one to blame (a tool 
is) :)


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