[oe] openembedded.net status?

Koen Kooi k.kooi at student.utwente.nl
Tue Aug 12 12:38:16 UTC 2008

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:
> Am Dienstag 12 August 2008 13:47:26 schrieb Koen Kooi:
>> if so, why is it taking so *$($*(@$*(@ long?
> No idea. That's the drawback of using donated services. The one in charge of
> colocation is not in germany right now, according to him he notified the
> computing centre, but i have yet to get an update from them. Since I don't
> even have an account at the computing centre, it's a bit tough for me to put
> pressure on those guys.

Thanks, that clears things up a bit. All I knew that is was down and 
that there were no messages what happened and what steps are being taken 
to fix it.

Isn't there a remote powerswitch that can get flipped like strato has?

> I know it's always annoying when a server goes down, but this arrangement was
> the best we could do and it worked well until now, so let's not freak out and
> hope it's coming back soon.

Can we point DNS back to ltg in the meantime? Having a page saying we're 
down is way better than having all website timeout.



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