[oe] mtn disapprove

Rolf Leggewie no2spam at nospam.arcornews.de
Fri Jan 11 08:30:08 UTC 2008

Koen Kooi schrieb:
> however instead of collie-2.6.inc you mean zaurus-2.6.inc.

of course.  Sorry about the glitch.  I believe I have made the correct
change in 6794aa0dd1ca646be71cc57651a883ac99f55985, now.  Thanks for
spotting it.

While we are at it, let's try and clean the situation up a bit.

* Is there any reason not to let zaurus-2.6.inc do what it suggests to
  be doing and delegate all clamshell stuff to zaurus-clamshell.inc?
  poodle.conf already requires zaurus-2.6.inc despite not being a
  clamshell model.  Let's make the changes necessary so that collie
  can require it as well and then delete the double entry for the
  installkit code from collie-2.6.inc.
* I am pretty sure the poodle line in collie.conf is incorrect.
* poodle-2.6.inc seems to be unused, can it be dropped?

Koen, are these basically sane proposals?  If so, I would prepare an mtn
diff for inspection before committing.



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