[oe] Renamed: Generic distro

Philip Balister philip at balister.org
Mon Jan 28 18:59:42 UTC 2008

Koen Kooi wrote:

> Besides not being named 'generic', what are the arguments against making
> angstrom the 'generic' distro in OE? It's the closest thing of showing
> off all features of OE *and* doing it the OE-way.

At the risk of putting words in to Mickey's mouth, my view a generic 
distro is a generic.conf that contains the absolute minimum number of 
lines required to build an image successfully. Maybe we could call it 
minimal distro and remove generic?

Angstrom has features, generic does not.

The key is not to define the generic distro clearly and not let it 
feature creap towards Angstrom. (Kind of like minimal-image trying to 
get less minimal based on peoples viewpoint of what a minimal-image is)

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