[oe] Missing includes in STAGING_INCDIR

Tom Cooksey thomas.cooksey at trolltech.com
Tue Mar 4 11:40:17 UTC 2008

I am writing a recipie for Qt/Embedded 4.4 beta (using qt4 recipies as a base). At the 
moment Qt's configure test fails on dbus. I have added -I${STAGING_INCDIR}/dbus-1.0
to the configure flags so the configure test now picks up dbus/dbus.h correctly.

However, dbus.h itself includes dbus/dbus-arch-deps.h, which is not in 
${STAGING_INCDIR}/dbus-1.0/*, but _is_ in the dbus work dir. This means I have to add 
the dbus work dir to the include list, which feels wrong.

I have had the same problem with gstreamer too. I think something has broken recently, 
as I've tried building the existing qtopia core recipies and had the same failures.

I'm building using the org.openembedded.dev & com.gumstix.collection collections for
Angstrom 2008.1, gumstix-verdex machine. Am I missing something?



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